Female radio amateurs from the early days until 1945
The YL Story
This is still a work in progress, your cooperation would be appreciated. Please sent a mail to: office@dokufunk.org - We wish to thank Bob Winn, W5KNE, for his great contribution to these pages.
(01) 1910: Emma Lil(l)ian Todd, 1865-16.09.1937. Not a radio operator herself. An early aviation pioneer, she was associated, in 1907, with the Junior Aero Club of the United States. When the boys became more interested in wireless, the club name was changed, in 1910, to Junior Wireless Club . Miss Todd, their adult leader, continued to be their sponsor: Adviser and Honorary President. (Info: Bob, W5KNE) See: ext. Link
(02) 1913: Mary Alice McConaughy, at age 13, became the first YL operator in Ohio (from: "Popular Electricity")
(03) Catherine Mengelkoch, Call unknown. “Operating" the station of the Minnesota Wireless Association"' (Electrical Experimenter, March 1916)
(04) 1920: Miss M. Adaire Garmhausen 3BCK, the first "Young Lady"
(05) 1920: Letter from ARRL to 3BCK, coining the term "YL"
(06, 07) License Adele Garmhausen, 12 November 1922 ÷RP
(08) 1920: Eunice Randal, W1MPP, at age 19 in the studios of 1XE (Photo, courtesy of Eunice Stolecki)
(09) 1939: Invitation to YLs to organize (from: QST)
(10) 1940: Foundation of the "Young Ladies' Radio League", YLRL
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Biographical notes in alphabetical order
Collected (mostly in English) in the German section: Weibliche Funkamateure 1910-1945 - Biografien
List of the YL-Stations 1909-1939
* | Born |
† | Died |
⚭ | Married (to) |
Call/Name | When first issued |
← Name | Maiden name |
→ Name | Name after marriage |
← Call | Earlier call(s) |
→ Call | Later call(s) |
CB (Year) | Listed in Call Book |
Radio YB (Year) | Listed in Radio Yearbook |
QSL | QSL filed at hier |
Photo | Photo filed at hier |
BIO | Biographical data available Biographical notes in alphabetical order |
-*Year ? | |||||
USA | 6AEM | Mabel Winifred Frembling, Fresno CA; → Levy | *1906-04-21, †1985-08-13 | ⚭ Harold Morris Levy, not licensed | First listed in CB20 (5 watts) |
USA | 6BAZ | Mrs Mary O. Houston | †1924-03 | →6MI First licensed YL operator in San Diego, one of the firs on the Pacific Coast. Died after a long illness. Siste = Mary Charitas, 9AXN | |
-*1910 | |||||
USA | ? | Miss Emma Lillian Todd | An early aviation pioneer, she was associated, in 1907, with the Junior Aero Club of the United States. When the boys became more interested in wireless, the club name was changed, in 1910, to Junior Wireless Club. Miss Todd, their adult leader, continued to be their sponsor, adviser and Honorary President | ||
USA | FN | Miss Glass,San José, CA | In the Wireless Blue Book of the Wireless Association of America | ||
USA | OHK | Olive Heartberg, New York, NY | In the Wireless Blue Book of the Wireless Association of America, published by Modern Electrics Publications, a firm owned by Hugo Gernsbeck - Most probably a typo for Mr. Oliver Heartberg | ||
-*1911 | |||||
USA | ? | Edith Maybella Case → Birchard, NY City | *1870-05-04, †1971-08-24 | Mrs H. H. Birchard is mentioned in the June 1911 issue of Modern Electrics. Based on the description of her station she was a wireless operator. Only one person in the census records matches "H. H. Birchard": Homer Hyatt Birchard and his wife Edith Maybella Case Birchard, who were living in the Bronx section of New York City. Homer worked on the railroad and was a signalman and telegraph operator. | *CT, †IN |
-*1913 | |||||
UK | IXI | Mrs C. E. Ingram | Until 1922 the only YL on the DX-List | BIO | |
USA | 6SM | Hazel P. Smith, Fullerton, CA | *ca 1899 | She is living with her mother and brother in her grandmother's home. | *CA; CB 13 and 14 only |
USA | 8EZ | Dr. Mary Alice McConaughy, 6112 Navarre Place, Cincinnati, OH | *1901-03-31, †1981-06-08 | First licensed YL 1913 in OH.→(erraneously?) 8NH and 8ACU, Cambridge, OH | 1913-10-01 Quarterly supplement |
-*1914 | |||||
Australia | Mrs L. Pym, Rottnest Island | “Country member”. → 1923 6AW | BIO | ||
Canada | XDD | Miss M. S. Colville, Bowman Village, ON | #1 Canada | ||
USA | 1OG | Gertrude E. Tarr, Rockport, MA → Reed, | OOTC member #0225 | BIO | |
USA | 1NV | Margaret Lavina Campbell, Rockport, MA→. Palmer | *1892-06-10, †1963-05-08 | ⚭Col. Robert Percival Palmer, U.S.A.F. not licensed | |
USA | MQ | Edna Scott, New York, NY | BIO | ||
-*1915 | |||||
USA | 1ASP | Miss Helen Margaret Ferguson Byron Colson, Watertown | *1876-02-18, †1969-12-25 | School teacher at Watertown High School, also associated with 1MU, the Watertown High School's station | CB 15 and 16 only |
USA | 7BP | Miss Bessie Parenti, Portland, OR | *1897-10-23, †1915 | *OR. CB 15 | |
USA | 8NH | Emma Candler | *1897-03-17, †1947-05-31 | → 8VH, 8ER, W8NH Sharing calls with ⚭ Charles A. Candler (*1884, †1944). "#6 in the USA, Licensed 15 January age 8 | BIO |
USA | SNW | Cecil Powell | *1891-†1948 | → 1WX. "#4 in the USA", | BIO |
-*big>1916 | |||||
USA | ? | Aline Catherine Mengelkoch → Gonella | *1897-08-25, †1988-05-24. | ⚭ Arthur Frederick Gonella. “Operating" the station of the Minnesota Wireless Association" | *MO. (lectrical Experimenter March 16 |
USA | 8ACU | Nellie Mae Waller Cambridge, OH,→ Westwood → Kirk | *1898-12-25, †1973-12-21 | (01) ⚭ (1917-08-18) Charles C. Westwood (no call), (02) ⚭ John Calvin Kirk (no call). “#2 in Ohio” | Only in US Govt.CB 16 |
USA | 6SO | Gladys Kathleen Parkin, San Rafael, CA (1913) | *1901 †1990 | → 6GK (1913-1914) → 6BP (1919) License 1916, at 15 years | CB 19 Photo BIO |
-*1917 | |||||
USA | 1RO | Edith Eliot Rotch, Boston, MA | *1874-†1969 | → 1ZR (1924), W1ZR (1928) A1ZR (MARS) | QSL, BIO |
USA | 7FG | Winifred Dow, Tacoma, WA ; → Williams | *1902-07-15, †2000-10-21 | →7CB | BIO |
-*1918, 1919 | |||||
No data | |||||
-*1920 | |||||
USA | 1HW | Betty M. Munroe, East Milton, MAs | → W1HW. ⚭ Henry T. Munroe, 1HW and W1HW. He held the call without any breaks from 1913 through 1966. She was not listed on a regular page, but on a page that listed calls by surname | ||
USA | 1MPP | Eunice R. Thompson | †1982-08-23 | →.1XE, 1CDP, | |
USA | 1DBE | May L. Smith, Manchester NH | →.1BAE (1923-), W1BDN. Sister: W1HPM | BIO | |
USA | 1QO | Miss Beatrice V. Heath, CT; →Calder | *1904, †1959-05-16 | Continued until ⚭ Willis G. Calder circa 1926. Brother: Waldo S. Heath, ←-1AFU and 1BS → W1QO (1928) | |
USA | 2AOA | Miss Marianne Clayton Brown → Small | *1897 †1922-06-15 | ⚭ Lyndon Frederick Small (unlicensed) | CB 20-22 only - held a first class commercial license, trained to be a marine operator, but Navy had a policy that prohibited women from serving aboard ships, the same policy that the Marconi Company had. She ended up working at the Marconi factory in Aldene, New Jersey; ironically, her job was testing transmitting equipment for the Navy. She got several articles published in radio magazines during the early 20s. Her station was named "Station of the Month" by "Radio Amateur News" in April of 1920. She was the first OW to win this award. |
USA | 2AXB | Gertrude McCollum, Long Branch, NJ | *1922 | ⚭ Harry John McCollum, 2CGG. | Govt. CB 22 |
USA | 2HR | Beartreas (Beatrice) E. Carman, Freeport, NY | *1894-12-13, †1967-05 | Her Brother:Harry Carman, 2EL | 1920 Govt. CB |
USA | 2AMS | Sonia Soberg → Hall, Brooklyn, NY | *1898 | ⚭ (1920-09-14) Charles Milligan (not licdensed) | CB 1920, 1921 (not later) |
USA | 3AVD | Elizabeth Wheawill, Philadelphia, PA → Upper Darby, PA | *1886-08-01 †1957-04-23 | ||
USA | 3BCK | Marian Adaire Garmhausen | *1899-05-28, †2002-11-17 | First YL | |
USA | 4DG | Miss Mabel T.-Lewis → Hall, Fort Lauderdale, FL | ⚭ Daniel Clermons Hall 1923-06-08 | CB 20 (?) Not listed in CB 20-23 | |
USA | 6AEO | Agnes May Kennedy, Fresno, CA → (01) Webster → (02) Brassart | *1906-05-17 †1992-04-13 | ⚭ Norman Douglas Webster, radio operator/engineer → 6ANP → W6ANP; → (02) (1974-04-13) Lee Roy Brassart, not licensed | First listed in CB20 (age 13) |
USA | 8ME | Miss Rena Jane Frew, Beaver, PA | *1905-08-14, †1996-06-30 | Licensed at 14 years of age (1920 CB). Never married. She was a school teacher. The local radio operators called her "the little ladybug," because she was only four feet and ten inches tall of height. – In 1924-26 8ME was licensed to a man. | |
-*1921 | |||||
Spain | nil | Consulelo Garay-Oñate (Guipúzcoa) | → EAR24 (1925) Sister: EAR2 (1924) | ||
USA | 1CAA | Helen Cotton → Morse, Pepperell, MA → Wakefield, MA → Pinellas County, Florida | *1913-11-23 †1978-09-27 | ⚭ W1CAA Lloyd Morse (*1906 †1978) 1CAA → W2CAA → W2MTC → W1CAA; Helen Morse was not licensed; she used her husband's callsign | QSL 1938 |
USA | 1CDP | Eunice Randall → Thompson | *1898-10-05 †1982-08-23 | → K4GBZ, W1MPP ⚭ Ken Thompson W1PF | Was 19 years old when she first came on the air as 'ES': She did not have a license at that thime.1XE, later WGI, was a broadcastging company BIO |
USA | 2BVX | Marguerite L. Powers, New York, NY | CB 21 only | ||
USA | 9DET | Elizabeth-Anne Bergman | *1895-12-19, †1942-10-26 | Medical doctor, Radio Instructor at Lane Technical High School, Chicago, IL. Never married. First appears in the 1921 CB. No record in 1924-1926 CB | †Chicago, QSL |
USA | 9DKO | Miss Marguerite Marie Peterson, Davenport, IA | 1904-1998 | ⚭ 1926. Not active again | CB 21 |
USA | 9DUS | Agnes Mae Graham → Wisner, NE | 1000 watt | CB 21 | |
USA | 9ZL | Inez Keller → Burhop, Manitowoc, WI → Florida | *1903-02-24, †1992-08-02 | Jointly operated by Harold J. Burhop (1899 - 1971), "HG", and his wife, "NZ". | QSP Oct 21 |
-*1922 | |||||
Australia | 2GA | Florence Violet Wallace → McKenzie | *1890 or 1892-09-28 †1982-05-23 | →VK2GA, VK2FV, McKenzie ⚭ Cecil Roland McKenzie. Licensed 1922 | BIO Photo |
USA | 3CDQ | Elizabeth M. Zandonini | *18981-12-11, †1989-05-16 | →W3CDQ. Or licensed 23? | QSL, BIO |
USA | 6BHD | Miss U.E.Le Fevre, Los Angeles CA | |||
USA | 8CHY | Gertrude A. Schmidt | Became school eacher in 1925. Taught DomesticArts. Brother: John Wiliam Schmidt, also 8CHY (*1906-05-26, †1991-05-15) | John W. took Commercial first grade radio operator’s license examination at the federal building in Buffalo, NY 1022-03-24.The exam was conducted by A.F. Parkhurst who was Assistant Radio Inspector, Department of Commerce. Served as a Radioman in the U.S. Navy and made his way up to Lieutenant. He served in WWII and Korea. QSL CB 22 | |
USA | 9BRZ | Miss Bertha Barr, Gibson City, IL →De Vore | ⚭ 1922-05-28 William Dewey DeVore, 9CBE, 9EG. Both in callbooks after the early 1920s – Brother: Dwight L. Barr, 9AOQ, | CB 22 | |
-*1923 | |||||
Australia | 6AW | Constance Rosemary "Mary" Angelo →Mrs Matthew Lisle, Pym, Rottnest Island | *1873, †1955, | ⚭ 1914, “Receive only” Fremantle, Western Australia. Fathe: Col. Edward Fox Angelo. Mother: Mary Colqhoun Fraser. Her father was in the Indian Military. - School teacher on Rottnest Island until 1937, when she and her husband moved to Western Australia. Her husband died the next year. | †India |
Australia | 6BF | Miss C. Stevens, Bunbury | “Receive only” | BIO | |
Canada | 4AJ | A. Bowen-Smith | /2nd Op | QSL | |
Canada | 3QT | Miss C. Cross, Bolton, Ont. | |||
France | 8CL | Mme Lebaudy (Martin-Le Roy) | BIO | ||
USA | 3AEC | Pauline Ann Raser, Trenton NJ | *1900-06-23, †2002-01-11 | →W3HVO(1930-), W2QCC. ⚭ Edward G. Raser, 3CS, 3ZI, W3ZI | QSL, BIO |
USA | 6APL | Miss Genevieve Emerson, Oakland, CA → Stohler | *1909 | →W6APL.,⚭ 1929, Rudolph Stohler, no call. No evidence of her renewing license after 1929 | Photo |
USA | 6CKM | Mrs Genevieve L. Doig, San Diego, CA. | *1900, †1993 | ⚭ John Henry Doig, Jr., 6QA, → W6DCT, W6AE) | |
USA | 6WBC | Dorothy Cornelia Saint Pierre, Pomona, CA | *1907-03-23, †2004-04-02 | Brother: Joseph St. Pierre, 6BML →W6BM | Govt. CB 23-26 |
USA | 7UA | Mrs Josephine Turner →Ralston, Albany OR | *1887-04-14, †1957-12-31 | ⚭ Rolla E. Ralston, not licensed | |
USA | 9BTP | Miss Helen Clare Long → Leuck, Champain, IL | *1922 | ⚭ Harold Thomas Leuck, not licensed | Govt. CB 22 only 9BTP was licensed to Arthur T. Bailey, Winnebago Minn |
USA | 9CM | Hazel Fridgen, Trempealeau, WI | ⚭ Edwatd N. Fridgen, 9CM (same call) | ||
USA | 9UA | Loretta Ensor, Olathe, KS | *1904, †1991, | → W0UA. Brother 9BSP →W9BSP. Brother: Marshall Hamilton Ensor, (*1899, †1970), licensed 1917. Sister also 9BSP? | QSL , BIO |
USA | 6BCF | Urguha E. Le Fevre, Los Gatos, CA | *1902-12-09, †1996-04-15 | Advises that her call is 6BCF and not John Fishback's as previously reported. | Radio Magazine Jan 23. |
USA | 8BI | Miss Beatrice Elizabeth Bourne → Baylis → Graeter, Dayton, OH | *1908, †1972-03-08 or 1977-01-03 | ⚭ George E. Bourne who shared the call letters 8CNL with Allen E. Apple, but later ("name change") was listed 8BI. Or: The call sign belonged to George Bourne Jr. (*1905-03-07 †1962-04-11) and his sister Beatrice Elizabeth (Baylis/Graeter) was the YL. | *England, Govt. CB June 23 only. QSL |
1923? | |||||
CAN | 4BV | Clara Socolofsky, Loreburn | 2ndOp (ER) with Karl(KS) and Paul (BL) Socolofsky | QSL | |
USA | 4LJ | Allie Hege „A.H.”Winston,NC | Co-Op with Robert Byrum “R.B.” | QSL | |
-*1924 | |||||
Wales | ? | Miss Jessie Kenney, Cardiff | "First lady to qualify for the PMG's First Class Certificate since the severity of the test was increased in 1921” | Wireless World Radio Review 1923-05-19 | |
New Zealand | 4AA | Brenda Bell | →Z4AA, ZL4AA. Operating with brother: Frank | BIO | |
USA | 4FN | Alberta Pearl McKellop → Dawn →Polimer →Gittertman, Laguna Niguel, CA | *1912-10-12, †2001-02-14 | AKA Movie Actress Marla Shelton. Father: Arthur A. McKellop, 4FN → W5BJH, W6LAR, l, | *Eureka springs, AR, BIO |
USA | 3BVA | Miss Mildred A. Douthitt, 'MD', York, PA | Using same call as Fred M. Link 'FL' | QSL | |
USA | 5AWQ | Ruth Brown | → W5IZL, 2nd Op of ⚭ Rube Brown 5AWQ → W5HFS → W5IZL. Son: Ernie W5FYZ | BIO, QSL 38, 41: Electra TX | |
USA | 6BTE | Alice Joy, Caolinga, CA | *1885-01-21 | School teacher. CB 24 | |
USA | 7SI | Harriet A. Ellsworth → Gilbert | *1908-05-21, †1987-03-14 | → 6BNV, W6HEG. ⚭ Gilbert 6AIC → W6GAT | QST Oct 24, QSL, BIO |
USA | 9AOU | Maxine C. Whitney, Eagle Grove, IA | Brother: Jack R. Whitney, 9AOU. Operating hi station. Probably no callsign of her own | QST March 24 | |
USA | 9AXN | Mary Charitas, Laurium MI | St. Hedwigs Church. Still serving the church at age 72. Sister: Mary O. Houston, 6BAZ →6MI | ||
USA | 9BON | Edna Greene, Valparaiso, IN | 9BON qas the call of Clarwnce H. Brown, Same addr5ess as on Edna's QSL card | QSL | |
-*1925 | |||||
Morocco | 8MAJO | Mademoiselle J. R., Casablanca | Morocco #1 | QSL | |
Sweden | SMTA | Madeline Krueger | |||
USA | 1AID | Mildred Signe Lorentson, Providence, RI | *1905, †1927-08-13 | ||
-*1926 | |||||
Australia | OA4CM | V. McDowell, Brisbane | → VK4CM ⚭ Dr. V. McDowell, Brisbane | CB June 28, Spring 39, YL? | |
Brazil | BZ7AB | Odette Cecy Chavez | → PY8AB | ||
Costa Rica | ? | Dona Marina de Dall'Anese, Puntarenas | Probably first YL in Costa Rica | ||
England | G6SF | Beatrice Saltmarsh | Info G3UUR 05-2020 | ||
USA | 3KO | Miss A. Bertha Hilton, Parkesburg, PA | *1893, †1983 | → W3KO Never married. Telegraph officerfor Horace A. Beale, Jr.'s station 3ZO. Later manager of Western Union office at Dowington, PA | |
USA | U2BRB | Miss Estelle Glaser | *ca 1909 | → W2BRB. Used the call letters U2BRB and W2BRB of her older brother: Edward Maurice Glaser (*1920, †1931). President, Radio Club of Erasmus Hall Academy NY | Photo Radiowelt 01/1927 |
USA | 8CNO | Eulalia M. Thomas, Delaware, OH | *1890, †1982 | → W8CNO. ⚭ Harry A. Thomas | QSL, Earlier? |
USA | 8RV | Edna W. Wullen, Buffalo, NY | Operator at 8RV. licensed to Ernest H. Roy | ||
1926? | |||||
USA | 2AHM | Mary Morin, Schenectady, NY | Mary Morin, YL; Jim Jackson, WJ""" | QSL 26 | |
-*1927 | |||||
Cuba | NQ6EV | Maria J. Alverez, Caibarien, Havanna | → CA6EV? | CB 27,28 | |
Cuba | NQ8KP | Mrs. Babette Fernandez de Castro | *ca.1898 | ⚭ Juan Fernandez de Castro NQ8LO | CB 27 |
Cuba | NQ2HP | ChristinaW. Vde. de Crucet, Havanna | CB 27 | ||
England | G6JN | Jane Dicks | Info G3UUR 05-2020 | ||
Italy | EI1HD | ? | |||
Italy | EI1RD | ? | |||
Philippines | OP1CJ | ? | 13.08.1927 | ||
Portugal | EP1BE | Piédade de Avillez, Lisbon | → CT1BE. #1 in Portugal, → | QSL, BIO | |
Spain | EAR71 | Francisca Brotad, Palma de Mallorca, Baleares | #1 in Spain Photo | ||
Switzerland | H9XF | Madeleine Moret | → HB9F | QSL, BIO | |
UK | 6YL | Barbara Dunn | → G6YL, EG6YL. Halfbrother: J.Reg.Witty,“Reg“, G5WQ | QSL, BIO | |
USA | 2BY | Dorothy Elizebeth Chapman, Ridgewood, NJ →Saunders | → W2BY, NU2BY, W4UF, W4ZKD | BIO, QSL | |
BIO | |||||
USA | W3AKB | Frances Violet Rice → Darne | *1901-07-02 †1965 | ← 3AKB ⚭ (1945-09-08) Eppa Webster Darne 3BWT, W3CNI → W3BWT (*1902 †1974). She was an electronics engineer | QSL, BIO |
USA | 6BXA | Flora Jane Turner, San Francisco CA | *1901-06-01 †1975-01-31 | → W6BXA, W6BF, never married | QSL, BIO |
USA | 6EI | Miss Edith Olive Haddock, Long Beach, CA → Farmer | → W6EI. ⚭ Jack Sawyer Farmer, 6BZL → W6BZL | QST 02/27 | |
USA | NU6KG | Mrs Earle, Redwood City, CA | ⚭ W. M. H. Earle “A Ham since 1910” | QSL, CB 1927-1929 "Harle" | |
USA | 8CNO | Eulalia M. Zimmermann → Thomas | *1890, †1982 | → W8CNO "Eulalia was the first woman ham radio operator in OH owning her own station. She received her license in 1927 and held it until 1958“ | CB 27, findgrave.com |
USA | 8QI | Mrs. Edna F. E. Moyer | *ca1878 MI †NN | ►W8QI (CB 1928) ⚭ Franklin H. Moyer W8QI (1930 CB) | CB 27, 28, 30 |
USA | 9OW | Mary I. Boeger → Hathaway | *1907 †1987 | ⚭ George Corliss Hathaway (unlicensed) | CB 27 |
USA | W6CXG | Thelma Grey → Rockwood → Bramley | *ca. 1909 | ← 7EAM, 6CXJ, →W6JW. I⚭ Edgar Lysle Rockwood, W6BBJ. II ⚭ Norman V. Bramley, ←W6CPI (CB 27); 6CXG Oakland, CA W6CXG (CB 28) → W6EMM, W6JW | *WA, CB 28 |
USA | W6MA | Bertha F. Linquist → Wallace | *1898-09-25, †1971-04-18 | ⚭ Donald Clare Wallace, W6AM | *ND |
USA | W9FSI | Bessie R. Buerky, Jamestown, MO | *1907-09-07, †1981-11 | 1927-31 | |
USA | W9GJX | Helen Hargreaves →Cloutier →Schmock | *1909-03-17, †2002-09-21 | ←W8GJX | BIO |
1927 ? | |||||
USA | W9QV | Ethel Bingham → Sando, Chicago IL | *1911-01-31 †1982-05-11 | CB 27(?) 29ff | |
USA | 1OS | IdaC. Elwell, Danbury, CT → Hoffmann | *1903-12-28, †1981-08-10 | → W1OS. ⚭ William Paul Hoffmann, W1AEQ (*1905, †1994) | QSL 27 |
USA | 8ADU | Della Blanche → Smith → Driver, Delaware OH | *1879-02-12 †1931-11-05 | →W8ADU ⚭ James B. Driver (*1871 †1940) not a ham | QSL |
USA | W1AIG | Mary Anne Hickey → Everest | *1981-04-08, †1962-12-08 | ⚭ Alfred Wallace Everest, W1ARE ← 1ARE | CB 27 |
Yugoslavia | EJ7DX | ? | ← EJ7DD | Radiowelt 05/27 | |
-*1928 | |||||
Australia | VK3HM | Elizabeth Hutchings | *1929-†1943 | Daughter: Majorie Hutchings VK3HQ | QSL, BIO |
France | EF8YD | Mlle. Danion | REF356. No official license | ||
Portugal | EP1BP | Violet F. Mumford, Lisbon | → CT1BP | No info. Call issued in CB 32 to Antonio Luiz Ferreira | |
Poland | SP3PYL | Janina Burchardowa | → SP3YL (1930), SP1YL (QSL). ⚭ Marian Burchard SP3PB/ SP1AK | QSL, BIO | |
Poland, Romania | SP3KYL | Helena Malinowska → Bratescu | *1905 | → SP3RAI, CV5KYL (Romania) | *USA, BIO |
USA | 1AJJ | Helen Elsie Cooke → Bailey, Pittsfield, MA | *1909-06-07 †1995-02-09 | → W1AJJ ⚭ (1930-05-30) Prentiss M. Bailey W1AZW ← 1AJJ Not licensed as W1AJJ after her marriage | CB 29 |
USA | W1ARQ | Mary V. O’Neil, Providence, RI | *1906-05-06 | A librarian, living with her parents. Was not married. | CB 29, 30 |
USA | 1AZB | Jennie M. Rittenhouse → Reynolds, Stonington, CT | *1910-11-25,†1997-03-01 | →W1AZB, ⚭Reynolds, Harold Kenneth (not licensed) | 1AZB CB 27, W1AZB CB 28, 29 |
USA | 1KY | Gladys G. Hannah, Cambridge, MA | *ca.1897, †1940 | →W1KY | BIO, QSL, CB June 28, last listed Summer 1935 |
USA | 1BAE | Mary L. Smith, Manchester, NH | CB 29 | ||
USA | W1BHG | M. Elizabeth "Betty" Griffith, Skowhegan, ME | *ca 1904 | CB 29, not in CB 32 | |
USA | W5FD | Beulah Coryell, Hitchcock, OK→Okeene, OK | *1904-09-23, †1969-07-26 | ⚭ Ollie Rider (1887 - 1957), not licensed | CB 29 |
USA | 3IB | Dorothea M. Gwynn → Brown, Richmond, VA | *1911-08-31 †1992-10-27 | → W3IB, ⚭ Edward Allen Brown (1933-07-10) not a ham | CB 29 no call afterwards |
USA | 5AVE | Elsie May Tucker, Perry, OK | *1891-03-1821, †1974-09-26 | →W5AVE. ⚭ Charles H. Tucker, W5AVE → W5APZ (*1889-10-05, †1978-03-15) | CB 29 |
USA | 5AWB | Gritta Louise Turney, Mesilla Park NM → Isaacs, | *1908-09-23, †1993-05-30 | → W5AWB, TX. ⚭ William Howard Isaacs (ca 1930). Brother: Robert Lewis Tureney W5AHN ← 5AHN (*1910, †1967) -*No amateur activity after her marriage | *NM, CB 29 |
USA | W6ARU | Mrs Glenore K. Frates, Oakland, CA | *ca 1905 | ⚭ Joseph Walter Frates, W6CZR, *ca.1906 | *CA, CB 29 |
USA | 6AXS | Mona Agard, Oakland, CA → Weisner → Avery | *1909-05-11, †2004-07-13 | → W6AXS 1⚭ Clifford R. Weisner (no call), 2⚭ Frank R. Avery (no call) | CB 29 |
USA | 6BKL | Madeleine Allison, Del Monte, CA | → W6BKL | ||
USA | 6DEZ | Jeanne Abney Gore, Salt Lake City,UT | *1902-10-12, †NN | → W6DEZ - ⚭ Lewis Davis Stearns, 6BTX → W6BTX → W6DEZ | |
USA | 6DKQ | Louise M. Sherman, Los Angeles, CA | → W6DKQ → W6BTX | CB 29 | |
USA | W6DOY | Harriet Louise Kat → Amborn, Canada | *1909-10-11,†2005-03-12 | → K6IT →N6HA&, #9901 Philip William Amborn 6AJG → 6PA → W6PA (*1910 †2005) Sister: Mary E. Kat, W6ECN, immigrated to the USA 1913 | BIO |
USA | W6ECN | Mary E. Kat, Canada | *ca 1912 | Father: Philip William Amborn 6AJG → 6PA → W6PA (*1910 †2005) Mother: Harriet Louise Kat → Amborn | CB 28, not in CB 1930 |
USA | W7MM | Teddy Wallace | CB 32-35 says "XYL" | ||
USA | 8AQQ | Evelyn Dick, OH→ Wadsworth | *1909 †1996 | ⚭ (1930-11-01) Howard L. Crumrine (*1908 †2006) 8BYT → W8NGJ. Not active after her marriage | CB 29 |
USA | 8HZ | Irene Hal l→Parmelee, Wadsworth, OH | *c.1930 | →W8HZ. ⚭Don Parmelee, W8DEG (1930) | CB 29, In 1932 CB W8HZ is her husband's call |
1928 ? | |||||
USA | 3ADC | Bertha Roberts, NJ | sharing 3ADC & 3AVQ ⚭ Howard Roberts | QSL | |
-*1929 | |||||
Alaska | K7AIU | Elizabeth C. Forrest, Nyac, AK | |||
Alaska | K7ANQ | Lily Osterback, Wosnessenski Island → Alford | *1909-02-10, †2008-04-24 | Also W7ANQ | QSL, BIO |
Belgium | 4BL | Mlle. H de Thier, Heusy-Verviers → Forest | → ON4BL | CB 29 | |
France | EF8PPP | Simone Memeint | ← REF 539 unlis. ⚭ F8OM. 2nd Op from 1932 | ||
Japan | J2IX | Chiyono „Suzy“ Sugita, Kanagawa → Suzuki | *1933-10-14, †1991-05-20 | → ← 1DN, J1JDN →J9FS, JH1WKS → Suzuki, unlis/lis | QSL, BIO |
Netherlands | ? | Leny van Blokhuijzen | 1st YL Netherland Lis:1929-10-29 | ||
Poland | SP3ER | Agnes Kuck | BIO | ||
Poland | SP3HB | ? | |||
Poland | SP3HR | Maria Bogda = (artist’s name of) Janina Kopaczek ← Brodisz | *1909-†1981 | Actress. Brother: Tadeusz Kopaczek SP1LA, | †CA, BIO |
Poland | SP3IA | ? | |||
Spain | E-095 | Isabel Huertas, Madrid | Receive only | QSL, BIO | |
USA | 9CCM | Ada Lois Giskieng → Northrop, Denver CO | *1913-11-20-†1999-10-02 | 9CCM 1927-29 →W0RNO. ⚭ Thomas Edison Northrop, US Army (*1907 †2007). Brother: Marion Giesking 9BDF. Made contacts with her brother's and a neighbour's (Paul Bjork,9CAA) call in 1925 when she was 11 years old | BIO |
USA | W5BKG | Ethel Henderson | *1909 | ⚭ Henderson, W5AQK | CB 36, BIO |
USA | W6AET | Florence E. A. Terrell, CA → Jones | ⚭ Lloyd M. Jones, W6DOB, ← 6AWW. Son: Edward Monroe Jones, K6ETS | BIO | |
USA | W6ALH | Esther McClara, CA | *1904-11-05 - †1980-05 | → Shurley B. McClara, W6AKB (*1904-09-24 - †1971-12) | BIO |
USA | W7AHJ | Mrs Esther F. Brunk, CA | *1898-05-21 †1989-06-23 | → W6LFV(?) W6ALH(?) ⚭ Clifford L. Brunk, W7AJX and W6QJJ (*1989-03-17 †1964-09-27) Data clash with W6ALH | BIO QSL |
1929 ? | |||||
Canada | VE2CA | Earle H. Turner, St. Lambert, QUE | ‘Mr & Mrs Earle H. Turner’ | QSL | |
Canada | VE3VS | Val Sharp, Ont. | CB 29 | ||
USA | W3AFZ | Della F. Maskell, PA | *ca 1901 | ← 3AFZ-* | CB 29 |
USA | W5AYZ | Gertrude Mary Stokely, LA → Stramoski | *1913-08-25 †2003-11-09 | Not licensed as W5AYZ until 1931, before using her older brother's, Robert Guy Stokley, call | CB 29 |
USA | W5LV | Mrs. Margaret R. Fountain | → W5GT ⚭ (1917-04-17, divorced 1937-04-08) William Forest Fountain | CB 29 | |
USA | W6AHP | Evelyn “Ec” Cheel, Pomona, CA →McRae | → W6EVA (1930), W9JP (1937). Ϟ Bill Williams | QSL | |
USA | W6DLC/P | Mrs Elizabeth Penrose, CA | ⚭ Ernest W. Penrose, W6DZY, W6BEQ (portable) | CB 29 | |
USA | W6ETA | Miss Virginia R. Brewer, Gras Valley, CA → Burgman | *1908-12-09, †2009 | ⚭ Elmer H. Burgman, W6EB, W6CTO, W5AAX, W0SUL, W6TB ← 6CTO. From ca. 1940 they were listed only as Mr. & Mrs in CB‘s with his call only | †aged 100, QSL |
USA | W6GI | Sophie K. Heintz, Palo Alto, CA | *1897-10-10, †1990-05-18 | → W6SH. ⚭Ralph M. Heintz, W6GK →W6RH | CB 29 |
USA | W7AGT | Anna Lucy. Peckham, Medford, OR | *ca1877 | ✆ George Frank Peckham W7ABD, W7ZZAA (*1878 †1958) | CB 29, listed until CB 46 |
USA | W7AOW | Miss Dorolis Park, WA | *1912 | Licensed 1927-35. Not active after ✆ James A. Dentler, not licensed | CB 29 |
USA | W8BPT | Mrs Lillian A. H. Hooper, Bloomingdale, MI | W8BPT (cancelled), W9HGC (never used). ⚭ Arthur C. Bates, W9FO, W8RY, W9ME, ← 8RY, who was the first editor of Radio Amateur Call Book Magazine | CB 30 | |
USA | W8CNO | Eulalia M. Thomas, Delaware, OH | ← 8CNO | CB 29 | |
USA | W9ADB | Lilian Decou “L.D.”; Evelyn Claxton “E.C.”; Naomi Peters “N.P.”, Altamont, KS | Labette County Community High School station | (QSL) | |
USA | W9DBU | Ruby Winona Keith, Edgar NE | *1890-02-12 †1973-04-115 | ← 9DBU ⚭ (1915) Dr. Charles Worthington Keith, MD 9CTJ W9CTJ (*1870 †1962) | CB 29, Photo |
USA | W9GAF | Beatrice A. Reiss, WI → Walden | *1907 †1987 | ⚭ (01) Harold R. Reiss, W9ERS ← 9BLF ⚭ (02) Eugene E. Walden, no license | CB 29 |
-*1930 | |||||
Alaska | W7ANQ | Lily Osterback, Wosnessenski Island → Alford | *1909-02-10, †2008-04-24 | Also K7ANQ | QSL, BIO |
Australia | VK3YL | Austine Marshall → Henry, Murrumbeena, VIC | QSL, BIO CB38 | ||
Australia | VK3UE | Clarice Adams | |||
Australia | VK4DH | Dorothy Harris -> Fleming | AOCP Nov ’29. Lis 1930/02. Fleming not mentioned after 1934 | ||
New Zealand | ZL3AG | Myrtle Earland | → ZL4GR. ⚭ ZL4AM | BIO | |
Canada | VE3AYL | Gwen Burnett, Toronto | QSL | ||
Canada | VE5AF | Hazel M. Stone, Vancouver, BC | QSL | ||
Italy | I1BL | Lolly Balbiani | First Italian YL (1930?) | ||
USA | W2WP | Alice LucyRebecca Picard, NY | *16.5.1909 †2001 | CB 97, QSL | |
USA | W4AXF | Carrie Collins | ⚭ W4MS. Daughter: K4AGM | BIO | |
USA | W5GS | Gladys Jane Bidwell → Barker, Houston TX | *1904-08-10 †1994 | ⚭ (1929-03-23) Vincent Seymore Barker, W5GS, W2KBA, W2IQ, AC8VB, X2X (†1975) | Travelled to China and returned to San Francisco, CA, in 1926. No record of her being active after 1930/31 |
USSR | RK-3055 | Barbara Podzorsky, Leningrad | SWL since 1927→ EU3EW (1932-), U1BU (1936-). ⚭ W. M. Podzorsky | QSL, BIO | |
1930 ? | |||||
Canada | VE3YL | Lydia Corbet (Cobet?), Humberstone, ONT | QSL | ||
USA | W1BXI | Winifred R. Scholz, Miltfort, CT | ⚭ Emil F. Scholz, W1FJ | ||
USA | W5BMN | Mrs. Thelma Lankert | *ca 1913 | ⚭ Paul E. Lankert W5AZK, W5AZL | QSL CB 1930 |
USA | W6APG | Mary Love, CA → Gee | See W6EGH | ||
USA | W6EGH | Walter Alfred 'Wally' Gee | *1902 †1974 | ⚭ Mary Gee, W6APG - Well-known New Zealand operator (Radio Journal 1923) | CB 30-31, 35, 40, 46, 47 only 'Wally A. Gee' listed, CB 49 Mary Gee. CB 51 No Gee listed. See W6EGH |
USA | W6MKV | Alice J. Dunn, Julian, CA | ⚭ Theodore T. Dunn (not licensed) | ||
Also CB 41 | |||||
USA | W8BKK | LSally C. Winter, Youngstown, OH | CB 30 only, 16 years old | ||
USA | W6OK | Miss Ruth J. Peiser, San Francisco, CA → Patrovich | *1908-07-13 †1999-02-06 | ⚭ (1970-12-29) Joseph J. Patrovich | CB 30, 36, Photo (Radiowelt 09-30: "Miss Ruth J. Peiser, 22, …, said to be the only girl in California having a licensed wireless sending station "went on the air" recently … around forty meters. Miss Peiser, or station W60K, is one of a half dozen women to hold amateur radio operators licenses, but is the first to be actually operating her own station. … Miss Peiser is a member of the staff of the Sixth District Radio Supervisors office, making radio her life work." |
USA | W7BCB | Norma Alice Jenner → Simmerer | *1915 †1945 | ⚭ (1937-11-24) E.R. Simmerer (not licensed) | CB 31-32 |
USA | W9FBF | Orpha Grayce Buerky → Nickles, Jamestown MS | *1909-04-24 †1991-09-17 | ⚭ (1942-04-14) Robert W. Nickles, W9EXP (*1909) | He served as a Radioman in the US Navy CB1930 |
-*1931 | |||||
Australia | Miss A. “Gypsy” Jones | unlis | |||
Czechosl. | OK2YL | Jarmila Hermanova, Telc | ← OK2AJ unlis | QSL | |
England | G6SF | Miss Beatrice Saltmarsh, Sandridge nr. St. Albans | CB 36, QSL | ||
France | F8YL | Mme. Schotte | ← REF1211 (not 1928!). ⚭ F8GB | QSL, BIO | |
New Zealand | ZL2FR | Thelma Souper, Wellington | ← ZL1CN, ZL2JO | CB 31 | |
Spain | EAR-S4 | Juana Gilaber, Palma de Mallorca, Baleares | Prov.call. → EAR-251 (1932) | ||
Spain | EAR-LU | Montserrat de Morató, Barcelona | → Prov. Call EAR-265 (1932), EARCU (1934). ⚭ Juan Bautista Morato, EAR-LU | ||
Spain | EAR-215 | Inés Martín de Cordova, Valencia | → EA5AZ (1934). Sister: EA4AO | CB | |
USA | W1FTJ | Dorothy Wilkins → Evans | *1908-10-21. †1980-02-222 | ⚭ Carl Burtin Evans, W1BFT (1938-06-23) Before she operated her brother Daniel's call W1BII | QSL, BIO |
USA | W5WZ | Mae E. Amarantes, San Jose, CA | ⚭ W6FBW | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W6EK | Miss Flora Louise Card, Renton, VA → Rohling | *1914-11-24, †1996 | ⚭ Alois H. Rohling (†1988) | *San Diego County,QSL |
USA | W6GA | Vivian Marie Thompson, Frederick, OK → Billingslea | *1913-09-29 †1986-05-11 | ⚭(1933-02-10) EDlmer O. Billingslea (unlicensed) | |
USA | W6DHV | Mae E. Amarantes, San Jose, CA | ⚭ W6FBW | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W6EGH | NN | No other info | ||
USA | W8DEG | Eva Gertrude Binsley → Dehnede | ⚭ (1929-07-18) Ross Dehnede, W8BVD | CB 1930, DGvt. CB 31 | |
USA | W9ILH | Carrie Jones | *1909-02-17, †1976-05-23 | ⚭ Maurice Dale Jones, W9ICN (*1909, †1982) | |
1931 ? | |||||
Canada | VE4AV | Mrs E. B. How, SK. | QSL | ||
Canada | VE1FD | May A. Loomer, NS | |||
USA | W5BBZ | Martha Smith → Hunt, Houston, TX | 1906-1987 | ⚭ James W. Hunt, ← 5TG (1919), W5TG, W5CCU (*1903, †1993) | CB 13, 36 |
USSR | ? | A. W. Dewatkowa, Leningrad | Comm.op. at N10, → U2BC | ||
USSR | ? | Ludmilla Schrader, Leningrad | Using Club call EU3KAC | ||
-*1932 | |||||
Australia | VK3HQ | Marjorie Hutchings → Williamson | †1988 | Mother: VK3HM | QSL, BIO |
Canada | VE4EI | Mae Sparks, Nordegg, ALT | ⚭ Geo Sparks. Using the same Call | QSL | |
Denmark | OZ7YL | Dorothea C. Valbjoern | or 1933 | BIO | |
Hungary | HA(F)1YL | Lenke Tischer, Budapest | cf HA1YL (QSL), Fabian (QSL) (→ 1932?) | BIO | |
Spain | EAR-251 | Juana Gilaber, Palma de Mallorca, Baleares | → EAR-S4 (1931), EA6AL (1934)4 | CB | |
UK | G2YL | Nell Corry, Tadworth, Surrey | QSL, BIO, Photo | ||
USA | W1AWJ | Ruth H. Johnson, Brockton, Mass | ⚭ Eric S. Johnson, using same call | CB 32 | |
USA | W1AWJ | Ruth W. Heft, Stamford, CT | Listed in CB 31, not listed in CB 32 | ||
USA | W2BFM | Marion Stern → Russ | |||
USA | W2CJB | Elizabeth Allen, NY | *ca 1906 | W2ZZO portable. ⚭ Theodore E. Allen (*ca 1898, Austria, not licensed) | Born in Hungary, QSL 34 CB 36 |
USA | W2FPR | Mrs. Margaret E. "Marge" Wandelt | ⚭ Harold Morris Levy, not licensed | ||
USA | W2TU | Rose Catron -> Reiffin | → W5TU | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W3BCL | Margaret C. Palmer, Mt. Tabor, NJ | ← W2AHK. ⚭ Robert N. Palmer, E.E. Both using same call | QSL | |
USA | W3CUL | Mae „Mary“ A. Dougherty → Burke | *1911 | ||
USA | W6GEV | Dr. Lois Clare Lary, CA | *1892-06-27, †1974-02-14 | Chiropractor. ⚭ Clyde Clifton Lary, W6GCS (*1880, †1967). | |
USA | W6GQZ | Iva G. Kirtley ←Grubaugh, Stockton, CA | †08.10.1983 | ⚭ Victor O. Kirtley, W6ENH, W6GQZ († 1956) | BIO |
USA | W7COX | Frances Viers, MT | ← W9SUN (CB 1941). ⚭.Orville W. Viers, W7AAT, W7UR, W9RLE | BIO QSL | |
USA | W7NH | Nellie H. Hart, ID | ⚭ Hart, W7HE ← 7AVZ | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W9JYO | Thelma J. Zimmermann | *1909-06-06, †2002-12-11 | ⚭ Henry Zimmermann, W9EQO. Daughter: KN9BAO | *IN, BIO |
1932? | |||||
Hungary | HAF1YL | Elizabeth Fabian, Kiskunhalas | ⚭ HAF3FP | QSL 32 | |
USA | W5BKV | Ida Wilhelmina "Sally" Owen, Wharton TX → Walker, TX &'8594 McKinley | *1909-07-07 †1967-01-10 | ⚭ 1930-12-27(01) Millard Moore Walker W5AHK (*1900 †1949) ⚭ (02) 1949 James Bruce McKinley (not licensed) | CB 37, QSL 36 Not listed in CB after 1950 |
USA | W5GY | Eilean E. Gray, Duncan, OK | ⚭ David R. Gray | QSL | |
USA | W5AKU | Velma Louise "Bunny" Hukaby ,Brownswood ,TX ← Moore | *1911-12-11, †1997-02-05 | ← 5AKU. Call issued to ⚭ Verie Howard "Huck" Huckaby (†1979) | QSL |
USA | W9BM | Winifred Wilhite Earnhart, Denver, Col. | *1903, †1988 | ⚭ Glen W. Earnhart, W5ZE ← 9WHV, W9CHV, W9FN, W7EUF, W9ZE (*1904, †1953), Poem published in QST 12/1926, p. 61. | CB Spring 1933 |
USA | W2WP | Alice Picard, NY | |||
-*1933 | |||||
China | AC8HNB | Mrs C. Honans, Tsingtao | ⚭ C. Honans, AC8HN | CB Spring 33 | |
Czechoslovakia | OK2YL | Jarmila Hermanova | |||
Argentine | LU7BAD | Maria J. Goyenechea | |||
Australia | VK4JH | Ida Humphry | |||
Germany | D4BUM | Lucie Hohlfeld -> Bussmann | ← DE 1419 | QSL | |
Germany | DE2128G | Ruth Tietze | QSL | ||
UK | G2XA | B. Griffin, Heston | 2nd Op of ⚭ Matthew Griffin | QSL | |
USA | W8KYR | Clara Reger, Buffalo, NY | †1983 | → W2RUF. Brother: John Eichman, W8AOM | QSL, BIO |
USA | W1HUH | Sister Mary Emiliana | *ca1885 †1977-06-02 | Serving the Church in Providence, RI | |
USA | W9DBD | Leta Bush | ⚭ Walter Bush | BIO | |
USA | W2FHJ | Viola A. Kapp | *1902-03-01 | CB97, QSL, BIO | |
USA | W2FKA | Katherine "Kitty" M. LePine, NY | *1903 09 11, †1989 04 01 | → W4PPQ. Probably. ⚭ Albert LePine, W4PQR | *New Jersey, †FL, QSL 36, BIO |
USA | W1FRO | Alice M. Fitzgerald, Watertown, MS | Pvt. Marine Corps Womens Reserve (Earlier?) | QSL 33 | |
USA | W1GSC | Mary Sybil Wallace, ME → Cousins | *1909, †1917-01-28 (age 108) | ⚭ 1936 Charles Lawrence Cousins, no call. Not active afterwards | CB 36, BIO |
USA | W4CQL | Elsie Reich → Hermanson | *1910-09-18 | → AR1YL undercover in Syria after war | CB97, BIO |
USA | W5DEW | Mary G. Palmer, TX → Doseland, ND | *1909-03-11, †2005-02-08 | 1st ⚭ W5BUZ, 2nd ⚭ ARRL President Goodwin L. Dosland, W0TSN, , | †in Fargo CB97, BIO |
USA | W5DHF | Isabelle W. A. Skene, CA → Moody, Portland, OR | *ca. 1888, †1935 | Also W7AO. Electrocuted while operating her station. | †Portland. QSL, BIO |
USA | W5DQF | Madie Elizabeth Eidson | *1910-04-29 †2007-08-30 | ⚭ Robert Merrill Eidson, W5AMK (*1906 †1996) | CB 97, BIO |
USA | W5DRA | Yetive Teev' Etie → Mathias | *08.08.1911, †1975 | ⚭ Dick J. Matthias, W5BIW (*1909,†1980) | †Harris County, TX. BIO |
USA | W5DUR | Bruce Elizabeth 'Beth' Martin → Groves, TX | *1911-07-22 †1995-02-27 | ⚭ (1932-12-16) Wayland M. Groves, W5NW | First licensed in the 1930s. BIO |
USA | W6JMH | Dorothy Hagerty, CA | ⚭ W6JMI | BIO | |
USA | W9KSZ | Nelle M. Styma, La Salle IL | *1909 †2000 | → K6HOP (1958) W5MLM (1977) ⚭ Ralph A. Styma W9KTA (tool and die maker) | QSL |
USA | W9MSW | Nell Beatrice "Nellie" Hagen → Coll → St. Paul, Minnesota | *1910-08-30, †2008-06-18 | → W0MSW ⚭ Neil Burton Coil, W0BCT, W9BCT (*1907, †1983) | BIO |
USA | W9OEH | Mildred Chase | |||
USA | W9OIU | Mildred McMaster | ⚭ Master W9LIV | BIO | |
USA | W9OWQ | E „Mamie“ C. Hamilton, MO | → W0OWQ | BIO | |
USA | W9OUD | Letha E. Allendorf → Dangerfield → California → Joplin, Missouri | *1909-12-04 †2003-10-31 | →W0OUD. ⚭ Alfred H. Dangerfield (*1896 †1969) W9BMS →W0DE → 9DIK | BIO |
USA | W3BAK | Jean Hudson, Laurel, DE → Magri | *1924-07.21, †1997 | → W2TEF (after 1945). ⚭ Arthur Magri. 1933 operator's license at age 8, always using father's call: Edgar L. Hudson. Sister: Dorothy Hudson Ellliot, W3IRR. (*1914, †2014), Brother: Ronald, W3AXP | QSL, BIO, photo |
1933 ? | |||||
Hungary | HA3YL | Adrienne Komporday | -> HAF3YL | QSL | |
USA | W1EGL | Myrtle H. Snow, Ludlow, MA | CB 36 QSL 33 | ||
USA | W2KBG | Sally Trautmann, St. Albans, L.I. NY | ⚭ William K. Trautmann, W2KBO Veteran WWI 128th Indiana Volunteer Infantry (same Call 1962) | QSL 33, last CB entry 2941 | |
USA | W5ARV | Mrs Cora Lyle Shaw, Fort Worth, TX | ⚭ William Albert Shaw, W5ARV ← W5BUA, W7BNZ, W9HFS, W9HGS | QSL 34. Never licensed, operated with his call sign | |
USA | W6BVN | Ethel May Kindelberger ► Harwell, AZ | *1901-05-11 OHo †1974-07-29 CA | ⚭ Thomas Victor Harwell, W6ECE (*1894 †1978) | A Veteran of WWII. Enlisted in the US Army 1942-09-16 SGT, served in the Women's Army Corps QSL |
USA | W6JDQ | Catherine Martin | She had built 200 radios | in: SW Craft 09/33 | |
Yugoslavia | YU7YL | Senta | Oo earlier? | QSL | |
-*1934 | |||||
China | AC3DS | Mrs Dorothy Louise Steen | *1901-07-31, †1948-12-14 | Also AC8DS. ⚭.Oscar G. Steen. | *Ukiah, CA, †San Mateo County, CA |
Jamaica | VP5PA | Amy Nathalie Isaacs, Port Maria → Walsh | *1913-02-08, †2005-09-06 | 2nd Op of her father: Charles Lopez. Isaacs (*1893, †1971). Also HH5PA. ⚭ Carl Zimmermann Walsh- | *Jamaica, †Los Angeles, QSL |
Jamaica | VP5PA | Lillian Augusta Isaacs, Port Maria | *1914-09-07 | 3nd Op of her father: Charles Lopez. Isaacs (*1893, †1971). Also HH5PA | *Jamaica, QSL |
Norway | LA4YL | Erna Meltzer, Oslo | |||
Mexico | X2AZ | Teresa Gandarilla | → XE2AZ | ||
Portugal | CT1YL | Maria Clementina Moreira da Cruz | QSL | ||
Spain | EA3CU | Montserrat de Morató (Moraté ?) Barcelona. | ← EAR-LU (1931), EAR-265 (1932) , ⚭ Juan Bautista Moraté, EA3CU etc | ||
Spain | EA5AZ | Inés Martín de Córdova, Valencia | ← EAR-215. Sister: EA4AO | CB | |
Spain | EA6AL | Juana Gilaber, Palma de Mallorca | ← EAR-251 (1934), EAR-S4(1931 | CB | |
UK | G2IA | Ann G.Burns | †1990 | -> GM2IA (or 1935?) | QSL, BIO |
New Zealand | ZL4GBS | Margaret Chapman | Or earlier? | ||
USA | W6PEB | Melba Mae Gorby, Altadena, CA → Beard | *1907, †1987 | → W9VPI, W2LZS, K7ANT. ⚭ William Beard, 1AES, W1AES, later W7QGR (*1907, †1989)- According to a 1934 newspaper, active 1934 | CB 39 |
USA | W9GXM | Ernestine "Ernie" A. Parker → McMasters | *1908-10-02, †1987-12-22 | ← W4KOH McMasters. ⚭ Philip A. McMasters, W4BCZ (*1909, †1989 | *MO, †FL), Radio News 05/40 |
USA | W9RBP | Dorothy June Brown → Hengels, IL | *xx †1963--05-20 | ⚭ (1936-02-15) Henry Joseph Hengels W9RTY (*1906-10-03 †1990-09-21) | BIO |
USA | W7ENU | Mary Davis → Bailey | → K7ENU. ⚭ Bailey, W7DIS | BIO | |
USA | W8NAL | Carmella A. ("Gen", "the General") Cicerello, OH | *1908-06-05 †1983-02-03 | → WB4AJJ, N4LU (Virginia) District Net Control Station of net five Ohio. Interessted in flying. Built radio-controlled model planes | CB 34-47 YB 40, Radio News 01 and 09, 1940 |
1934 ? | |||||
Finland | OH5YL | Miss Marjatta Kirsi | CB36, QSL 34 | ||
USA | W7EIU | Violet L. Bargabus, WA | *1904-11-22 | ⚭ Bargabus, W7AUH | CB 97, BIO |
USA | W1HOS | Eleanor Dodd Bradshaw | *1913-05-28 | CB 97 | |
USA | W1HRB | Elizabeth L. Sullivan | |||
USA | W1HWI | Ona Eliza "Onie" Shorey, Enfield, ME → Imman → Jenkins | *1916, †2003 | ⚭ William E. Imman (no call) (1937-02-13), 2nd ⚭ Kenneth Jenkins (1947-08-17) | QSL 34, CB 36 |
USA | W1IGN | Doris K.G. Wood → Schwerdtfeger, West Mansfield, MA | *ca 1900 †1990-02-22 | ⚭ August R. Schwerdtfeger (not licensed) According to an article in the May 1937 issue of QST, she was scheduled to marry Lawrence A. Hopp USNR, N8ENP → W8ENP. No record of this marriage | QSL 34, CB 36, CB 40 (Schwerdtfeger) |
USA | W9IJD | Alice Johnson | “Harry, HJ, and Alice (AJ) Johnson” | CB 34 | |
USA | W2FSA | Marguerite L. Sloane | |||
USA | W2FV | Florine Freitag →Meves | ⚭ David Meves | CB 36 | |
USA | W5ZV | Margaret Edwina Harnett → Bornemann → Nyckees | *1903-08-16 †1992-06 | → W2ZV. ⚭(01) Walter Ernst Bornemann, W8CCH, W2AXE, W2DMO, W5CQF → W5FV (*1909 †1985), ⚭ (02) Gabriel P. Nyckees (*1900 †1972) not licensed | *New Orleans LA |
USA | W6IOA | Louise E. Milner, CA | |||
USA | W6FU | Betty Shoemaker → Hayes, El Monte, CA | ⚭ (02-1933) Edward A Hayes, W6SA, W6BC, W6UZ | CB Spring 33 | |
USA | W6GGG | Helen C. Wilburn | *1908-02-17 | †NN | ⚭ Frank K. Wilburn W6EL (*1901 †1959) |
USA | W7ECC | Margaret Start, WA | |||
USA | W9CMV | Opal Sisk, KA | *1906, †2002 | → W0CMV | |
USA | W9PFO | Marie J. Van Aller, MO | →W0PFO. --- Or: Esther N. Clift, *1910-09-14 (CB 97) | ||
Hawaii Terr. | K6IUT | Ethel Ihori -> Otsuka | *1913-12-17, †2001-11-28 | *Hawaii, †Hawaii | |
-*1935 | |||||
Alaska | K7HUT | Verna Cecilia St. Louis, Kodiak → Kendrik | *1910-01-09, †1974-03-23 | → KL7AX, ⚭ Verne Kendrik, K7HAI, KL7AV, W7AW (*1885, †1981) | QSL, BIO |
Austria | OE-108 | Emilie Provaznik | 05/1935 SWL only | ||
Austria | OE-143 | Grete Zegl, Vienna | 1st YL in OE,SWL only | ||
ON4TAF | Jeanne Baptiste | → ON4YL | BIO , QSL 35 | ||
Belgium | ON4YL | Jeanne Baptiste | → ON4TAF | QSL | |
Ecuador | HC1AY | Maria Elvira de Yoder | |||
Australia | VK4YL | Madeline MacKenzie → Pugh, Brisbane | *1923 | 2nd Op VK4GK . ‘Fire Station Brisbane’ (QSL 36) | QSL, BIO |
Australia | VK7YL | Joyce Isabel Crowder, Hobart → Batchler | †2015-02-15 | QSL, BIO | |
Denmark | OZ5YL | Helga Svendsen | QSL, BIO | ||
Spain | EA2BR | Maria del Pilar Tellería, San Sebastian | |||
Spain | EA7BT | María Sierra Piñero, Jeréz de la Frontiera | CB | ||
Spain | EA5AC | Juana Saura, Cartagena, Murcia | Father: EA5AC | ||
Spain | EA5AD | Natalia Regoll, Torrente (Valencia) | .⚭ Regoli, EA5AD | ||
Spain | EA7BZ | Herminia Creixell Mateos, Granada | Ϟ Mateos, EA7BY | ||
Spain | EA1-020 | Pilar Rodríguez Pazos, Pontevedra | SWL only | ||
Spain | EA3-003 | María Boix, Barcelona | Receive only | QSL | |
USA | W3IRR | Dorothy Hudson → Eliot | *1913, †2014 | Sister: Jean. ⚭ Elliot (1933) | |
USA | W5FJW | Judy Caraway | |||
USA | W7DHF | Isabelle W. Moody, Portland, OR | *ca. 1888, †1935 | ✆ Alfred W. Skene Moody, W7AHF. Electrocuted while operating her station | QSL, BIO |
USA | W7FTX | Clarice L. Goodman, MT | *1911-07-25 | ⚭ Goodman, W7FGR | BIO |
USA | W7EXY | Gretchen M. Walden, WA | *1912-07-13 | CB 97, BIO | |
USA | W9TSV | Mrs Mary Roth, Chicago, IL. | ⚭ Alexander Roth, W9QBT, License 1935-03-01 | Radio 08/35, p5 | |
USA | W9UTO | Mary Anne Knapp, KY → Kleier | → W4UTO. Son:W4UNH | BIO | |
1935 ? | |||||
Canada | VE4HD | Marg. Findlay, Brandon, MAN | .⚭. Russ Findlay | QSL | |
China | XU8RR | Marie Seely Roberts, Shanghai | *1888, †1968 | Or earlier. ⚭ Roy Pouderly Rogers (*1887, †198)1- They were US citizens | QSL |
Spain | EA7BT | Maria Sierra Pinero | Or 36? | ||
Spain | EA7BZ | Herminia Creixell Mateos | Or 36? | ||
USA | W9DXX | Alice R. Bourke, Chicago, IL | *1891, †1956 | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W3AEG | Anna K. Jackson, Baltimore, MD | *ca. 1918 | Father: George F. Jackson, W3AEG | QSL |
USA | W9LW | Mrs Lucie W. Mida, IL -> Gueth | ⚭ W. Lee Mida. Parents: German-born August and Clara Gueth | CB 36, QSL 35 | |
USSR | UK3AH | Perlowa, Wohnheim | Using club call UK3AH | ||
USSR | UK3AQ | ??? | Using club call UK3AQ | ||
USSR | UK3CU | Mariam Bassina | ← UOP3-52M, U5BB. Using club call UK3CU | ||
USSR | UK3CU | Elena Lapinaja | Using club call UK3CU | ||
USSR | UK3CU | Soja Tschirkowaj | Using club call UK3CU | ||
USSR | UK3CU | Gusewa | → UA3AC. Using club call UK3CU. ⚭ Wladimir N. Gusew |
--*1936 | ||||||
Austria | OE-145 | Anny Gall, Vienna → Heitler, | ⚭ Erwin Heitler, OE1ER. SWL only | |||
Australia | VK5YL | Elizabeth ("Betty") Geisel → Wallace | QSL, BIO | |||
Australia | VK6YL | Ruth Victoria (”Vicky”) Longley | Call later → Mrs. A. Cowles, Suviaco, →Gill Weaver | |||
Australia | VK4LO | V. E. Nolann | ⚭ Nolan, VK4JU | QSL | ||
France | F3DK | L. C. Coeuille | CB 37 | |||
UK | G8LY | Constance Hall | *1911 | QSL, BIO | ||
USA | W3MSU | Ethel MaeSmith → DeBardeleben | *ca 1917 †1997-02-05 | →W7FWB, K4LMB ⚭ (1960-05-10) John Frederick DeBardeleben W4TE, W3CN, 5PK, W5PK, W5ETO | BIO | |
USA | W9WWP | Carol A. Keating → Witte | → W6WSV. ⚭ Witte, W6WSW | BIO | ||
USA | W9NBX | Enid Etha Ida &'8594 Carter → Ardwell | → W6UXF (1945-). Secreatary of YLRL. ⚭ (01) (1933-10-28) Charles Judson Carter, W9ERR ⚭ (02) William B. Ardwell W6ZD(†1998-09-06) | BIO | ||
USA | W2JLL | Mary S. Mays, Linden, NJ | QSL 37-02 | |||
USA | W2JZX | Viola Grossman, Long Island, NY | <-W2NN. ⚭ W2JDG. Son: W2LJJ | BIO | ||
USA | W3FXZ | Mary C. LeVan, Oreland, PA | ← W1RUQ, ✆ Paul S. LeVan W3MG | CB 37, 39 | ||
USA | W6MFP | Agnes Langevin | ||||
USA | W6NZP | Evelyn Scott | ||||
USA | W7FWR | Mary Ann Tatro, Olympia, WS | *1888-09-18, †1974-05 | ⚭ Orpheus U. Tatro, W7FWD | *ND, †WA | |
USA | W8OZQ | Lilian Martha Nollenberger, OH | *1905-03-10 †1999-08-07 | ⚭ (1931-01-01) Lawrence William Nollenberger, W8NPV | CB 37 | |
USA | W8UTM | Sylvia Ryder | ||||
1936 ? | ||||||
Canada | VE4FL | Gertrude Burt, SK | ||||
Canada | VE1DC | M. Louise Horne, Moncton, NB | ⚭ J. O. R. Horne | QSL | ||
USA | W6ATP | Miss Winifred St. John, CA | *1911, †2010 | ⚭ W6PCJ. Father: W6MGI, brothers: W6HXQ, W6ATO | CB 36 | |
USA | W6LLU | June Mercer | ||||
USA | W8CKH → W8CRH → W3MTS | Gertrude E. Palecek, OH → Roddy | *1908-08-09, †1980-01-07 | ⚭ 1936-06-27 Vincent S. Roddy, W3RD, W8PI, W8DJV, W3KD, W8GTF (†1999) | CB 36, QSL | |
USA | W9ACC | Mary J. Gunther, Fort Dodge, IA | *1918 | Stepbrother: Elmer A. Gunther. Using his call. Was adopted into the family in 1919, at age 1 | QSL | |
USA | W9TSV | Mrs. Mary Roth, IL | QSL | |||
1936 or earlier | ||||||
Alaska | K7CDY | Pauline Virginia Chastain, Mitchell → Burkher | *1905-05-25, †2005-08-27 | → KL7LO. ⚭ 1924 Howard H. Burkher, K7ADG, KL7DQ (*1901, †1985) | *IN, †AK | |
Alaska | K7EZE | Gertrude L. Williams | CB 36 | |||
Argentine | LU2LE | Kay Nielsen | CB 36 | |||
Argentine | LU5HA | Anibal E. Astraldi | YL? | CB 36 | ||
Argentine | LU7CD | Anibal A. Ramos | YL? | CB 36 | ||
Argentine | LU7CG | Candide J. Hours | CB 36 | |||
Argentine | LU9DV | Mariana V. Suescun | ||||
Australia | VK2GA | Mrs. C. R. McKenzie | CB 36 | |||
Australia | VK2GY | N. L. Litchfield | Or 1939? | |||
Belgium | ON4GV | Valere D’Haese | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY1BC | Bertha E. Americano Freire | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY1BF | Maria A. SaBoucas | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY1CL | Maria Helena de Maya Monteiro | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY1DX | Zelia de Couto | YL? | CB 37 | ||
Brazil | PY1IF | Lorena Martins | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY1IK | Alcy Melgaco Filgueiras | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY2CL | Wanda Golzi do Amaral | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY2CY | Ophelia de Mello Golzzi | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY2DS | Carmen Frascino | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY2JE | Carmen Maria Echenagusia | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY3BE | Ziulda da Silva Tavares | CB 36 | |||
Brazil | PY3BH | Sady Icha Hamilton | YL? | CB 36 | ||
Canada | VE1AYL | Iris Chittick, Saint John, NB | CB39 | |||
Canada | VE1YL | Helen B. Hubley, NS | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE3ME | Miss N. Dyson, ON | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE4HZ | Mrs. E.Whitebread, MB | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE4QB | Miss J.M. Sherer, SK | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE4WG | Mrs.W.W. Hillman, AB | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE5AF | Mrs. Hazel M.Donohue, BC | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE5NG | Miss G.F Manning, BC | CB 36 | |||
Canada | VE5YL | Lois E. Dixon, BC | CB 36 | |||
Finland | OH3NO | Aane J. Vuorinen | YL? | CB 36 | ||
France | F3BU | Irenee Pouget | YL ? | CB 36 | ||
France | F3HS | Camille Soyer | YL ? | CB 36 | ||
France | F8NF | Camille Charvait | YL? | CB 36 | ||
Hawaii | K6ADZ | Kathleen Evelyn Church → Moses | *1897-01-15 †1974-07 | ⚭ Robert Todd Moses (unlicensed) | CB 36 | |
Mexico | XE1BU | Alicia Domenzain | ← X1BU | CB 36 | ||
Mexico | XE2BA | Marceline C. Guerra | ← X2BA | CB 36 | ||
Neth.Indies | PK1YL | Miss A. H. Sigmond | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL3BT | Miss E. Herrick | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL3DW | Mrs. M. H. Blake | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL3HW | Miss M. Stringleman | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL4BL | Miss Nellie Kennedy | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL4CN | Peggy Cameron | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL4FN | Nancy Kirby | CB 36 | |||
New Zealand | ZL4DT | Kathleen Kirby | CB 36 | |||
Tunisia | FT4AF | Andrée Costa, Sfax | ← RF-2835 | |||
USA | W1BDN | Miss May L. Smith, NH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1CAM/P | Catharine Tilson, CT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1CUA | Alice M. Leggat, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1CVD | Marjorie L. Seaton, CT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1DER | Ruth D. Hay, VT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1DJO | Aime Brissette, RI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1DS | Helen S. Chase, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1EBV | Elsie H. Mittman, CT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1EUC | Helen L. Lambert, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1GNW | Ethelyn A. Foss, ME | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1HET | Agnes L. Buxton, NH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1HRE | Wilmah M. Getchell, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1HRG | Gladys W. Wood, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1ICV | Anne R. Trecartin, ME | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1IHM | Eloise C. Selvidge, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1IJS | Aime E. Thibault, MA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W1IQT | Gertude Erthelyn Tucker →. Brewster, NH | *1905-03-16 †1997-08-070 | ⚭ Elwood W. Brewster, W1CMM | CB 36 | |
USA | W1JEB | Sarah E. Rice, ME → Tracy | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2CMP | Margaret B.Stephens, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2EYT | Patsy Castaldo, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2FBL | Mabel Lohmann, JY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2FQD | Lilian M. Gunther, NY | ⚭ Gunther, W2ALS | CB 36 | ||
USA | W2GIL | Mrs.Arlene R. Short, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2GLI | Audre L. Sayles, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2HPI | Dorothy T. Grimes, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2ICM | Helen E. Lundblom, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2INI | Helen B. Newman, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2IOG | Jewel D. Hobby, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2IXY | Dorothy D. Hall, Springfield, NY → Jacobsen | *1902, †1983 | →W4IXY | QSL, BIO | |
USA | W2ML | Beatrice F. Lotz, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W2NI | Norma Zukerman, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3AZT | Christie Urback, PA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3VRD | Marion E. Owens, VA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3DCH/P | Allie R. Bell, VA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3DTQ | Theresa R. Schafer, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3ECF | Getrude V. Schwenk, PA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3EDB | Katherine Kirkbride, PA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3FBK | Emily J. Nininger, VA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3FBN | Vivien W. Britton, NJ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3FLS | Mary B. English, MD | CB 36 | |||
USA | W3GFI | Bessie Marshall, Baltimore MD | QSO | |||
USA | W3UA | Peggy Landis, York, PA | ⚭ Charles G. Landis | QSL | ||
USA | W4ABT | Allie L. Hege, NC | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4AGB | Mrs.Elleree H. Atkinson, FL | *1910, †1988 | ⚭ Raymond L. Atkinson, W4NN (*1904, †1967) | CB 36 | |
USA | W4APB | Marion E. Durst, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4BGS | Miss Emmie Ball, GA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4BQY | Maxie D. Chappell, NC | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4BVO | Mildred Jones, NC | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4BZK | Lacy L. Dawkins, NC | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4CDR | Mrs. Katherine Rose Campbell, TN | *1901-07-13 †1962-07-28 | ⚭ Grover D. Campbell, W4APF (*1892 †1968) | CB 36 | |
USA | W4CEF | Mary H. Carter, SC | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4CIL | C. G. Smith, GA | Listed: Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Smith. | CB 36 | ||
USA | W4CIS | Blance K. Duvall, GA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4CJG | Marion Coley, AL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4CMW/P | Carol T. Coffey, GA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4CQK | Genevieve B. Atwood, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4DAI | Evelyn Shepard Sanford Wade, GA | *1907, †2004 | ⚭ Wade, W4DHM | CB 36, BIO | |
USA | W4DBN | Vera E. Bellinger, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4DBY | Marie J. Jones, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4DGP | Ruth M. Fishel, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4DOE | Verenice M. Bailey, TN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4DOM | Edith L. White, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4MR | Alva Parham , NC | YL? | CB 36, QSL | ||
USA | W4PBP | Gale M. Smith, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4SZ | Vernice C. Lawrence, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W4ZZE | Rhea Johnson, FL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5BKV | Sally Walker, TX | x | i901 M. M. Walker SW5AHK | CB 36, QSL | |
USA | W5BZW | Winnie D. Nelson, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CDM | Lena Kay, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CGB | Elza E. Mills, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CHQ | Mrs. Charlie Martin, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CNV | Fay C. Harderman, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CRH | Jean M. Sherwood, OK | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5CXO | Clara Peters, OK | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5DAV/P | Winifried B. Jackson,MS | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5DBI | Blann Holloway, MS | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5DBN | Marion J. Chelkowski,TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5DWX | Wilma E. Dougherty, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5EGS | Millicent L.Hampshire, OK | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5EKG | Cleo M. McBride, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5ELZ | Mildred M. Reese, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5EMR | Marion C. Eggers, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5EOQ | Dora L. Ball, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5EOR | Mrs. Johnnie Alice Lindsey, TX → Winn | *1913-01-28, †2013-08-21 | ⚭ Dan L. Winn, W5EFU (*1911, †1998) | CB36 | |
USA | W5EQZ | Mary A. McDougall, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5ESJ | Thelma Jean Barton, Sweetwater, TX | Listed as Mrs. ⚭ Robert H. Barton, not licensed, rancher on their Double Circle Ranch | CB 36 | ||
USA | W5EUG | Lillian F. Hall, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W5SM | Marion R. Worden, TX | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6ARS | Hazel L. Porta, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6AUY | Frances V. Eddy, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6AYO | Eleanor A. Wright, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6BHO | Fay W. Harwood, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6BVN | Ethel M. Harwell, AZ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6CNZ | Charlotte Ahlin, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6DSE | Celeste Apra, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6DTM | Lynn E. Axford, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6ETX | Mrs. Earle G. Ward, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6EUF | Carma Drury, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6EYE | Edith M. Maxwell, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6FJY | Marion R. Hall, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6FTL | Lynne K. Wood, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6GVP | Marion A. Olson, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6GYF | Vivian R. Beeler, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6GYR | Dorothy M. West, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6GZH | Olive Edgar, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HCB | Millicent C. Terry, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HDP | Mrs. Helen P. Kille, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HO | Harriet B. Newcomb, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HPI | Lucille M. Beranek ⚭Schonfeldt,CA | *Deadwood, SK. 2nd wife of William Addison Schonfeldt, 6TY, W6TY, W6DWX (*1866, †1943) 1st wife Fanny †1928 - CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HQV | Marion R. Warnock, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HWY/P | Anna M. Hartley, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6HXT | Gladys Stonesifer, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IAN | Dorothy D.H.Stevenson, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6ICU | Marion F. Doss, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IIY | Thelma W. King, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IJT | Dorothy Beesley, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IMT | Helen Manchee, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IPS | Lynn J. Alexander, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IRK | Ruth M. Christian, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6ITL | Helen Ferrier, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IUY | Hester F. Smith, AZ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6IVX | Maude E. McNally, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6JBA | Winifred M. Hopkins, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6JDQ | Catherine J. Martin, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6JMN | Mrs. Esther L. Orr, CA | *1903-07-20 †1972-02-03 | ⚭ Fern D. Orr, W6AHX | CB 36 | |
USA | W6JOJ | Verna G. Gillespie, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6JWH | Louise C. Noble, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6KIV | Marion W. Frampton, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6KTG | Gladys L. O’Donnell, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6KUK | Gail B. Knight, AZ | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6LCN | Lorraine M. VanEaton,CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6LGL | Sherill L.Zimmermann,CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6LGT | Olive Sainz, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6LRI | Marhorie M. Davison, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MDV | Bernice W. Dill, UT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MGP | Elizabeth E. Margo, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MGT | Evelyn M. Edgecomb, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MGU | Virginia Davis, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MJA | Gail A. Wetrich, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MLT | Helen C. Hill, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MPS | Nellie A. Winter, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W6MSQ | Phyllis R. Yeaman, CA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7ABV | Lynn L. Langdon, OR | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7BBA | Anne Bell, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7BZO | Pauline S.McPherson, OR | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7CVE | Audrey E. Parker, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7CVM | Lynn McKernon, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7CXQ | Jaqueline E.Peterson,OR | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7CYN | Gail G. Davison, WY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7DAI | Cloise H. Turner, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7DBC | Alva E. Cook, OR | YL? | CB 36 | ||
USA | W7DHR | Clare H. Hanawait, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7DIV | Helge J. Erickson, WA | YL? | CB 36 | ||
USA | W7DSR | Lynn J. Schuck, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7DUR | Amelia E. Laslovich, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7DWF/P | Ellouise F. Mowery -> Buchannan, WA | *1912, †1982 | ⚭ Joseph E. Buchannan. Brother: Albert E. Movery, W7BCS | QST 01/34, CB 36 | |
USA | W7EEX | Ruth E. Nielson, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7EJW | Frances G. Perkins, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7ELU | Irene H. Summers, WY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7EOZ | Madeline V. Groh. WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7EQK | Claire E. Ritchie, OR | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7FAQ | Clara M. DeVries, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7FCS | Sue M. Fleming, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7FDT | Eloise Kuntz, WA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7FFX | Eva Mae Coleman, WY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W7FHA | Barbara R. Sprague, MT | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8AAG | Alva W. Dean, OH | YL? | CB 36 | ||
USA | W8BSY | Alva J. Freeman, NY | YL? | CB 36 | ||
USA | W8DEO | Margaret L. Steneri, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DGI | Emlyn G. Williams, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DIJ | Sherla L. Stutz, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DMO | Nancy Chancellor, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DNV | Camille T. Prichard, PA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DPM | Gail Griner, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8DYH | Mrs.Kenneth F.Conroy,MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8FSX | Fay F. Brooks, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8GFO | Marie M. Bedford, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8HOO | Marion D. Romaine, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8HRI | Mary P. Swain, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8HTQ | Alma L. Seely, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8HYW | Phyllis A. Colpitts, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8IAB | Marion E. Curl, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8IVP | Fay Koontz, PA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8MPP | Lorraine Swann, WV | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8MTH | Jean Youngblood, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8MVN | Dora B. Jones, NY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W8ODI | Ruth F. Mains, OH → Beckwith | ⚭ Beckwith, WE8OGK | CB 36 | ||
USA | W8OKB | Pearl S. Taylor, OH | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9ALD | Marion W. Taylor, KY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9BXE | Marion H. Alewine, MN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9CTZ | Loris N. Whitfield, KY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9CZB | Fay C. Sweeny, IL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9DCP | Billie L. Curtis, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9DXX | Alice R. Bourke, IL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9FVK | Lynn G. Rawlins, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9GOP | DeLynn E. James, KA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9GZX | Lynn M. McGee, KA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9HAC | Estil Hubbard, KY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9HFB | Lynn A. Breece, IN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9HLQ | Murriel R. Purlee, IN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9HPN | Mrs. S.G. Griffith, IL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9JEO | Alma L. Buckles, KA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9JLR | Miss Kathryne L. MacAllister, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9JYF | Ruth Olive Crow ← Nuzum ← Martensville, Iowa ← Glendale, Arizona | *1898-08-15, †1989 | ⚭ (1923-04-20) James Milton Nuzum | CB 36 | |
USA | W9KDN | Wilma Wisemiller, KS | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9LCW | Lois Crawford, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9LNP | Lucylle Holbrook, Eola IL | YB 40 | |||
USA | W9LWA | Opal E. Lewis, WI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9MAE | Miss Dorothy Deming, MN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9MGC | Alice E. Ferber, WI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9MHP | Allie M. Darwish, IN | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9NEY | Helen M. Clark, CO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9NFG | Cleo A. Devins, KA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9NJI | Coral R. Sargent, KA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9NTL | Elza W. Armstrong, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9NUL | Beryl L. McNally, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9OSJ | Dorothy Dodds, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9OUD | Letha E. Allendorf, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9OXH | Lucille B. Truitt, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9CPU | Violet L. Johnson, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9PYV | Gail A. Wetrich, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9PZZ | Beverly L. Smith, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9RYG | Mabel E. Teppo, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9SCB | Vera E. VanShaick, SD | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9SLG | Mrs. Josephine Conklin, IL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9SLJ | Alva E. Todd, IN | YL? | CB 36 | ||
USA | W9RSH | Ida M. Allendorf, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9SVC | Clare A. Sherman, MO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9TDS | Corrine H. Enos, CO | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9THF | Lynn W. Webb, NE | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9TPD | Margaret M. Baxter, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9TQT | Alma M. Hakala, MI | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9UEP | Winifred H. Schrubbe,IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9UOH | Mary A.Clinkenbeard, MO ← Edwards | *1908-07-06, †2000-01-14 | → W0UOH, ⚭ Edward T. Clinkenbeard, W9UOG, W0UOG, KF0SL, AA0FU (*1908, †2005) | CB 36 | |
USA | W9UPF | Ella F. Wiechmann → Karlson | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9UQQ | Alice I. Anderson, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9URG | Gertrude A.McDevitt, IA | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9USF | Margaret E. Glover, IL | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9UUI | Amyle P. Richards, KY | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9VDI | Sylvia E. Valkai, ND | CB 36 | |||
USA | W9WW | Rhea S. Johnson, IL | CB 36 |
--*1937 | ||||||||
S. Africa | ZS2AA | Iris Hayes, Whittlesea | †1999-05-31 | QSL, BIO | ||||
Alaska | K7GLL | Belulah B. Tolonen, Kennecott, AL | *1901 †1974 | →W6OPV, Phoenix, AZ | QSL, CB 38, 46, Radio YB 03/38 | |||
Australia | VK5MH | M. Lilian Hill, Wiluna | VK6MH? CB 38 | |||||
Brazil | PY2KT | DElisa Costa Cosi | ⚭ Julio Cosi PY2MIM | |||||
Canada | VE2NX | Edith R. Varey, Montreal, QB | QSL | |||||
Canada | VE4HZ | Evelyn Whitebread, St. Boniface, MAN | QSL | |||||
Denmark | OZ1YL | Nancy K. Nielsen | QSL, BIO | |||||
Denmark | OZ2YL | Edith Sauerberg | BIO | |||||
Ecuador | EC1GF | Judy Leon | 2nd Op? | |||||
Italy | I1MQ | Ada Garibaldi-Richetti | BIO | |||||
Puerto Rico | K4EZR | Alicia G.Rodriguez | †1961 | → KP4EZR, KP4CL | QSL, BIO | |||
USA | W1KRO | Amy Medary | ||||||
USA | W4EZJ | Virginia Toothaker | ||||||
USA | W2KUG | Jennie Pauline Lothrop | → W5YSJ | QSL, BIO | ||||
USA | W5HDH | Myrtle J. Smoll, NM | †1961-04-12 | ⚭ Perley Arthur Smoll, W5HDH (*1884-12-06 †1965-08-28) Perley came to New Mexico from Colorado in 1927 when he was hired as the Superintendent of the New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped. The name Helen appears on the QSL card. Possibly a blind student from his school? | QSL | |||
USA | W6PJF | Rosemary Robin, CA | *1916-11-08 | ⚭ Robin, W6INP. Son: Neil, WA7NBF | BIO | |||
USA | W6LYP | Margaret Powell | *ca. 1897 †NN | → Webster Powell, same call | QSL | |||
USA | W7GLK | Dorothy Dickey | ||||||
USA | W7OOK | Nathalie Hunter | ||||||
USA | W9ZWL | Martha Joanne. Shirley, Aberdeen, SD | *1904-06-07 †1988-07-08 | → W0ZWL ⚭ Earl M. Shirfley, W9YQR, W0YQR | QSL 40 | |||
1937 ? | ||||||||
China | XU9LC | Miss L. C. Lee, station at Hankow | CB Winter 1937/38, Spring 41 | |||||
Germany | D3GEI | Ilse Wüst → Esser | ← DE 2743-I. → Esser | QSL | ||||
Philippines | KA1BH | Bertha Eleanor Harris → Reich | ⚭ (1923-12-08) in Manila Joseph Reich, not licensed | QSL, CB 37 | ||||
Peru | OA4AB | Thelma Wilkes, Oroya | ← W9DZI. ⚭ Donald Wilkes | QSL | ||||
USA | W9ZTJ | Margaret “Marge” Dusie → Alongi, Du Quoin, IL | *1911-08-26 †1961-01-12 | ⚭ August F. "Buster" Alongi, W9WED (*1911 †2010) | QSL | |||
USA | W5DVL | Lela Wilson, El Paso, TX | ⚭ James A. Wilson | QSL | ||||
USA | W9USU | Olive E. Fritz, IL | ⚭ Al Fritz. Using his call | |||||
USA | W2LMI | Shirley Chapman, Brooklyn, NY | Coney Isl. | QSL 39 | ||||
USA | W9LLG | Helen Payne, Eagle Butte, SD | ⚭ Jerome E. Payne, W9LMC | QSL 38 | ||||
1937 or earlier | ||||||||
Alaska | K7FMM | Lela R. Robertson | 1935 Alaska, 1940 Rye, NY (Census record) No record in CB 41 | CB 37 | ||||
Alaska | K7FZL | Anna Maye. Jenks, Pilote Point, AL | *ca 1915 | Alaskan native (Aleut tribe) ✆ Robert J. Jenks, Salmon fisherman, *ca 1911 | CB 37, 46 | |||
Alaska | K7GAQ | Alta M. Jacoby | CB 37 | |||||
Algeria | FA3LX | Desire Delaye | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Argentine | LU1JA | Victoria Foti | CB 37 | |||||
Argentine | LU4EG | Helena Peyrot de Berdell | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY1FA | Margarita Henriqueta Marchesini | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY2ER | Francisca de Mello Boucas | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY2HC | Elizabeth Maria Cersosimo | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY3AS | Ely Loureio de Sousa | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Brazil | PY3BF | Boaventura Ferreia da Silva | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Brazil | PY4BD | Angelina Galletti Praca | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY4BW | Christina Araujo Azzevedo | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY5BE | Carmen Equinaguzia Galvao do Rio Apa | CB 37 | |||||
Brazil | PY5BG | Apparecida G. Negrao, Cambara | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Brazil | PY5BI | Olindia Amazona Monteiro | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Brazil | PY5BJ | Nancy P. Holzmann | CB 37 | |||||
Canada | VE2HI | Miss Ethel L. Pick, Westmount, QC | *1897, †1981 | CB 37 | ||||
Cuba | CM2AH | Julia Imperatore | CB 37 | |||||
Cuba | CM2JN | Juana Luisa Novo | CB 37 | |||||
Cuba | AM6AD | Adelina F. de Castro | CB 37 | |||||
Czechosl. | OK1SS | Marie Svobodová | CB 37 | |||||
Ecuador | HC1FG | Judy Leon Lovinos #8594 Cordovez | Second operator ⚭ 1922 Carlos Cordovez, HC1FG, (*1888, †1972), owner of radio station “El Prado” in Riobamba, Ecuador. “Miss Judy” was an announcer, etc. on the station | QSL | ||||
Germany | DE3600YL/L | Erna Bolik, Wittenberg | QSL | |||||
Haiti | HH2B | Gertrude Bleo, Port-au-Prince | 𘘽 Eric Bleo | CB 37 | ||||
Hawaii | K6MZK | Blanche H. Oliveira, Hilo | *1903 †1991 | → W6MZK - ⚭ Benjamin C. Oliveira, K6NHX (*1901 †1947) | CB 37, QSL | |||
Hawaii | K6NEK | Virginia Hammiond →Van Denburgh, → Gardiner | †2001-05-07 | ⚭ (1) Charles Van Denburgh/Vandeburgh †before 1940: ⚭ (2) Herbert Gordon Gardiner | CB 37 | |||
Hawaii | K6OW | Virginia R. Hill | *ca 1905 | ⚭ Otis Hill, K6AJA → W6AJA (*1899, †1962) . Was thought to be the first woman radio operator in Hawaii, hence K6OW ("Old Woman") | CB 37 | |||
Mexico | XE1BO | Beatriz Porragas | CB 37 | |||||
Mexico | XE1LK | Aurora de Franco | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
Poland | SP1CT | Dr. Marja Pogonowska | CB 37 | |||||
Poland | SP1KI | Janina Uznanska | CB 37 | |||||
Portugal | CT1OT | Beatriz Pereira Canedo | Porto | CB 36,37 | ||||
Romania | YR5CG | Constanza Gheorghiu | CB 37 | |||||
Romania | YR5GG | Getta Popovici | CB 37 | |||||
Uruguay | CX1CE | Carmen Varo de Suarez | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W1HUY | Hildur E. Ackermann, Brockton, Mass. | *1907, †1988 | QSL 37 | ||||
USA | W1KTG | Beatrice Holman, Belmont, MA | Licensed May 1937 | QSL | ||||
USA | W1JWS | Christie E. Seiarappa, MS | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W1KDR | Marjorie Ferris | ⚭ W2OEA | Radio News Dec 40 | ||||
USA | W2HXQ | Kay Kibling Pye, NY | ← W4DWC, ⚭ Chas Kibling W2EOA | CB 37, QSL | ||||
USA | W3FWE | Isabella A. Unger, NJ | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W3FZM | Marion F. Tehan, VA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W3GAB | Ruth R. Mallis, PA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W3GGO | Ann S. Butler, MD | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W3GJW | Angelina M. Colla, MD | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W3QN | Dorothea G. Brown, VA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W4DWQ | Marion Carson, Adel GA | YL? | QSL 37 | ||||
USA | W4DYS | Bernice A. Thompson, AL | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W4EDK | Ruby Z. Carlson, TN | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W4ELF | Gustava Velasaco, FL | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W5FKK | Ruth T. Williams, TX | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W5FPA | Nellie B. Lynn, TX | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W5EYP | Harrietta P. Cowan, TX | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W5HBW | Priscilla C. Bellew | ⚭ Bellew, W5FWD. Usually used his call | CB 37 | ||||
USA | W5FWS | Nora L. Ochsner, Texon, TX | *1909-05-16, †1997-09-30 | ⚭ Lucian (Lucien?) C. Ochsner, W5FHQ | QSL | |||
USA | W5FNQ | ?. | *1904 †1974 | CB 37 Radio YB 40 | ||||
USA | W5GEK | Marjorie L. Goodwin, LA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W5SX | Marion H. Modisette, LA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6MUH | Helen B. Sanderson, AZ | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6MUI | Thelma E. Sanderson, AZ | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6MUW | Miss Geneva-Beth Ellis,NV | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6MVO | Grace E. McCarthy, NV | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6MWO | Helen R. Cook, CA | †1950 | CB37, CQYL p29 | ||||
USA | W6MWU | Dorothy L. Bannon, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NHB | Marion D. Williams, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NIC | Evelyn H. Johnson, UT | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NMV | Marguerite L. Thomas, AZ | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NMY | Florence M.Scholtens, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NOQ | Florence B. Oliver, AZ | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6NYB | Betty Miles, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6OEJ | Mabel L. Fewkes, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6OGR | Mary A. Fobes, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6OJC | Ruby Thompson, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6OJT | Merle R. Mills, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W6OMO | Marion E. Cornelius, CA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W7FLC | Maxine L. Goin, OR | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
USA | W7FWH | Lily M. Sandbakken, MT | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W7FYP | Miss Imogene Perkins, MT | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8JDJ | Mary Baker, Shadyside, OH | ⚭ Fred Baker | CB37, Radio YB 40 | ||||
USA | W8OSY | Leona A. Watkins, NY | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
USA | W8OWP | Fay R. Ecker, NY | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8PGX | Mary U. Light, MI | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8PSZ | Lorraine B. LaDue, MI | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8QEV | Hazel F. Robinson, PA | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8QGT | Katherine L. Wood, NY | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8QHN | Virginia M. Smith, OH | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W8NAL | "The General" or"Gen" | Radio News 40 | |||||
USA | W9VQF | Gail Boggs, IL | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9VRI | Ruth Herron, NE | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9VRT | Marion R. Neary, NE | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9VSV | Lorraine King, KS | → King, W9VAT | CB 37 | ||||
USA | W9WVX | Helen Brown. MS | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9YHK | Betty J. Sams, KY | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9YMM | Florence Brammer, MO | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9YMD | Thelma R. Thomas, SD | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9YRK | Amy Amsden, SD | CB 37 | |||||
USA | W9YSS | Joan B. Alexander, KS | YL? | CB 37 | ||||
--*1938 | ||||||||
Alaska | K7HEN | Miss Lucille R. Wright, Tetlin, Alaska | *ca 1893 | A registered nurse working for the Government Nursing Service | *Minnesota, CB until 41 | |||
Canada | VE6MP | Maude Phillips | →VE4APA | |||||
Chile | CE1AH | Ida Fish, Chuqicamata | ⚭ L. E. Fish, CE1AH | Chile Radio Index 03/38 | ||||
Denmark | OZ3YL | Margarete Jürgensen | BIO | |||||
Denmark | OZ9YL | Gudrun M. Rasmussen | BIO | |||||
England | G3GH | Catharine H. Myler | Licensed 03-1938 | QSL, BIO | ||||
England | G3LJ | Gladys N: Salters | Licensed 06-1938 | Info: G3UUR 05-2020 | ||||
England | G3OT | Clare L. Hessing | She was a teenager when she got G3OT in 1938 and because she was under age her license had to be held by her father, Clarence Hessing. That’s why prior to WW2 her entry in all the Call Books is simply “C. L. Hessing” and not “Miss C. L. Hessing” because the license had to be in the name of a responsible person over 21, such as a guardian or parent. After the war, by which time she was over 21, her transmitting license could be held in her own name and was! Check out the Call Books in the late ‘40s and early ‘50s and you’ll find her listed as “Clare L. Hessing.”he 1939 Electoral Register for the Leamington district (TNA_R39_ 5691_56911_012) would not have shown Clare as being at 11 Tachbrook Road either, as you also had to be over 21 to vote in those days. I think Clare, G3OT, has the distinction of being the only teenage YL operator in the UK prior to the Second World War. Even Beatrice, G6SF, was just over 21 when she got her ticket. | Info: G3UUR 10-2020 | ||||
England | G5YL | Miss P.E.M.Bryan | Licensed 08-1938 | Info: G3UUR 005-2020 | ||||
England | G3YL | Ruth L. Webb | Licensed 11-1938 | Info: G3UUR 005-2020 | ||||
Philippines | KA1QL | Flossie Jewell → Place → Wells | *1906 †1987 | ⚭ (1931-02-13) James R. 'Jim' Wells, 6QL, W6QL etc. (*1903 †1971) | Both using the call. Jim was a retired Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy QSL | |||
Puerto Rico | K4FOW | Jennie L. Ramirez, Santurce PR | *1914? | ⚭ Santos G. Ramirez, K4FAB, Born in New Orleans, LA; lived in PR since 1914,l icensed 1938, involved with the PR Radio Club | QSL copy. Sources: KP4boricua.org; IDX.com CB 39 | |||
Romania | YR35 | Ileana Dobrovici | SWL only | QSL | ||||
S. Africa | ZS1DBEngla Burger, De Aar | ‘Ex SARSIC’ | QSL | |||||
S. Africa | ZS6GH | Diana Green | *1916-04-22, †1997-07-27 | ←Tuck (QSL 51). ⚭ Reg E. Green, ZS6J (†1993-06-26) | QSL, BIO | |||
Sweden | SM7MF | Marianne Ullmann | ⚭ Ullmann, SM7MU | QSL, BIO | ||||
Tunisie | ? | Mlle Costa | ||||||
USA | W7HDS | Lizette Wolf | ||||||
USA | W9EXM | Emily Schuette | ||||||
USA | W1MDV | Louise Frances Bruya | *1899-12-23 †1974-09-06 | → W4EAR ⚭ Howard Alexander Bruya W4EAI (*1902 †1974) | QSL 39U Photo in "Radio" Jan 1940 | |||
USA | W2MIY | Dorothy Wickenhiser | → K2DYO, WJSH | |||||
USA | W5ZA | Eunice P. Falconi | *1897-10-12, †1982-03 | ← Presley, ⚭ Louis Falconi, W5ZZA | BIO | |||
USA | W5CDM | Mrs. Lena E. Kay, Beaumont, TX | †2002 (age 92) | ← 4ACC, W4ACC → W5HNI. ⚭ Arthur P. Kay, W5APX, | Radio & TV Magazine, 12/38 | |||
USA | W6GDA | Miss B. J. Palumbo, Sacramento, CA | Brother: Joseph Andrew Palumbo, W6ESZ | CB Spring 38 | ||||
USA | W6GPE | Miss Irene H. Rolle → Lawrence | *1914-05-24, †2003-04-14 | -> Lawrence. ⚭ Neil F. Lawrence. Not active after marriage | *Oregon CB Spring 38, not listed in CB 41 | |||
USA | W6PVV | Ethel Sanderson | ||||||
USA | W6QOG | Helene Leonard | ||||||
USA | K6TCW | Helen Firth | → W6TCW | BIO | ||||
USA | W7GPO | Mary Edith Roden | *1906, †1955 | ⚭ Joseph E. Roden, W7MQ (*1906, †1984) | ||||
USA | W7GQK | Marguerite Willcut | Licensed 01-38. ⚭ Willcut, W7GKJ | Radio YB 40 | ||||
USA | W7GXI | Marjorie Frazier | ||||||
USA | W7KCU | Martha McVay | *1898-08-12 | CB 97 | ||||
USA | W8SJF | Gladys C. Beljan, Wapakoneta, OH → Nichols | *1902-12-18J | ⚭ Nichols | QSL | |||
USA | W8SKZ | Ramona Eberhardt | ✆ James A. Eberhardt, W8KKV | |||||
USA | W8SPU | Helen V. Smith | QSL | |||||
USA | W8TUQ | Miss Irene D. Gedney → Grabb | *1912-04-12, †1944-12 | ← W8DOD sec.op | *Ravena, Albany County, † Buffalo, New York. BIO | |||
USA | W9LRT | Julia E. Morgan, Bourbon, IN | QSL | |||||
USA | W9JWJ | Joanna Locke Barnes Fergusson, MO → Brawley | *1921-04-19 | → W0JWJ. New calls received from government list. 9901 Johan Brawley W9GYZ → W0GYZ. Father: Paul Francis Barnes, Mother: Ernie Craig Locke | Radio & TV Magazine 12/38, CB 97 | |||
--*1939 | ||||||||
Alaska | KL7CY | Flo K. J. Hart | *1912-03-01 †1085-03-24 | → KL7CY/W7?, K7VBI, W9CHB, KH6OI | ⚭ Bruce H. Hart, W9YOO, KL7BN, W0JO, K7UPN | |||
Australia | VK6JC | Miss Jess C. Chinnery, Welshpool | QSL, BIO | |||||
Australia | VK3NS | Mavis, E. Stafford → Coutts | →VK3KS | BIO | ||||
Chile | CE1AM | ? | ||||||
Cuba | CO5EO | Olga R. de López Miranda, Matanzas | ← CO2EO. ⚭ Eduardo López Miranda (1st op) | QSL | ||||
England | 2ATB | Denise Bullough | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence which allowed testing of transmitters but only into a dummy load Callsigns were in the 2AAA-2ZZZ series but they never got beyond about 2GAA before the War intervened. After WWII, the callsigns were re-issued to surviving 2AAA, etc holders but with the G prefix added. The callsign series G2AAA-G2ZZZ was never completed, for some reason, and after WWII the G3AAA-G3ZZZ series was issued to new licensees, that sequence ran until the early 70's. There were no legal UK amateur operations during WWII - Roger Basford/G3VKM. See: ![]() |
England | 2BLR | Mrs M. Ridgway | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
England | 2DDDY | Mrs Helena Crawley | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
England | 2DYN | Mrs Gertrude Hough | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
England | 2FHD | Mrs F. Dyer | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
England | 2HJC | Miss G.A. Bird | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
England | 2HNB | Miss C.A. Marshall | As of 1939-08-31 | Artificial Aerial Licence | ||||
France | ? | Mlle Bertrande Vidal | ||||||
Haiti | HH2EA | ? | ||||||
Hungary | HSWL1312/1-YL | Agnes Horvath | QSL | |||||
Hawaii | KH6AJD | Alice May Drury | →W0GOJ | |||||
Philippines | KA1DM | Dorothy W. Miller | Asiatic Fleet Radio School, Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine, s 9901 Edward S. Miller, KA1DM | QSL 40 | ||||
Romania | YR5DX | Mia Silvia Zamfirescu | ||||||
Romania | YR5OW | Elisabeta Ehrlich | ||||||
Romania | YR5YL | Maria Schmidt | ||||||
St. Lucia | VP2LC | Marie L. Devaux | Or earlier ? | QSL | ||||
Sweden | SM3IL | Greta Petterson, Herbosandd | QSL | |||||
USA | W1LJZ | Marion F. Field, Newport, VT → Mould → Tinker | *1917-09-07 †2012-10-18 | ⚭(01) (ca. 1943) Channing B. Mould, W1KUY (*1921 †2001), ⚭(02) (1945-08-25) Reginald A. Tinker, unlicensed | Or earlier ?. QSL. Bio | |||
USA | W1MCW | Lou Littlefield | → K4HEF | |||||
USA | W2LUE | Ann Hallinan, Hawthorne, NJ | ⚭ Jim Hallinan | QSL | ||||
USA | W2NAZ | Lenore Kingston, CT | → W6NAZ, W9CHD. ⚭ Kingston W2MSC | QSL BIO | ||||
USA | W3UUG | Miriam Blackburn | → W8UUG | |||||
USA | W4GER | Mary Morrison → Allen | *1911-10-08 | Allen | CB 97 | |||
USA | W5HWK | Jessie Harton | ||||||
USA | W5IKC | Louwonia B. Lacy | *1910-1-27, †1992-07-16 | |||||
USA | W5JKM | Beatrice S. Bernice → May | *1919-08-30 | ⚭ Leroy Watson May jr., W5HN → W5AJG (*1906 †1996). Son: Mike Leroy May, W5WHG | CB 97 | |||
USA | W6QLM | Dorothy Williams | ||||||
USA | W6QMW | Betty S. Chow, Los Angeles, Cal. | Brothers: Thomas Sue Chow, W6MVK; George Chow, W6OFD | |||||
USA | W6RJV | Octa Elvira Masey → Williams | *1904 †1984 | ⚭ Roy B. Williams (unlicensed) | ||||
USA | W7HHH | Beatrice N. "Bea" Austin | *1882, †1982 | ⚭ Carl H. Austin, W7GNJ (†1962) | CQ YL, p 90, CB 39 | |||
USA | W7QJH | Wilma Sowle | *1916-12-16 | → W6QJH | CB 97 | |||
USA | W8TAY | Anita C. Bien | → W4JCR | |||||
USA | W8TPZ | Marie Corcoran | ||||||
USA | W8UDA | Dorothy A. Eagle | *1919-09-12 | CB97, BIO | ||||
USA | W9ZTU | Mildred Helland → Marglin | ⚭ (01) Elmer O. Helland, W9ZTU;⚭ (02) Jim G. Marglin, W9THS. Never licensed. Used Helland's call and still after her marriage with Marglin. YLRL officer | CQ-YL p. 90 | ||||
USA | W0JMI | Clara Fehr | → W9JMI. WWII: Operator at KWLM | |||||
USA | W15 F 6 | Anne Eder, Willmar. MN | ⚭ Carl Eder. Both SWL, using same call | QSL |
Jahr/Year ?
Alaska | K7HVW | Eldora G. Cobb | *1906-12-15, †1976-06-04 | ⚭ Clyde A. Cobb, K7EMS,KL7FX (*1908, †1968) | *Canada |
Alaska | K7JCE | Andrea Isabel Wheat, Bethel → Awe | *1897-06-15, †1985-11-03 | ←KL7BY. ⚭ Charles J. Awe, Sr. (no call). Son: Charles J. Awe, Jr., KL7CHX. They were involved in gold mining in Alaska | CB 41 |
Brasil | PY2MH | Maria Ottilia Neves Vilaca | ⚭ Major Carlos Villaca | QSL 40 | |
Colombia | HK3CG | Miss Alice Gomez Cruz, Bogota | 2nd Op of ⚭ Alberto Gomez Cruz | QSL | |
Czechosl. | OK1YL | Jarmila Hermanová | |||
Czechosl. | OK2FE | Marie Karasová | |||
Czechosl. | OK2RZ | Marie Semelová | |||
England | G2HBN | Miss C. Marshall | Sister: G3JT | CB 50 | |
Germany | D4BSG | Käthe Jacobs | ← DE 1282 G | ||
Germany | D4BDH | Else Müller | |||
Germany | D4KAK | Erika Cupelle | ← DE2271/K ⚭ Gustav Cupelle | ||
Germany | D4ZFK | Ottilie Riechers | ← DE2344 K | ||
Germany | DE3660/M | Emy-Mila Klotsche | †1944 | CQ 2-3/44 | |
Austria, Germany | D3JSS | Olga Lippert, Vienna | → DE7170/S. SWL only. ⚭ Erich Lippert | ||
New Zealand | ZL3HC | Renee McCurdy | →ZL1UB | ||
Switzerland | HB9RBK | Louise Kreis | Photo | ||
USA | W1AAV | Mildred Helena Wolfel → Doe | *1906-10-19, †1983-11-11 | → 1AAV, K1KBQ. ⚭ Charles Stephen Doe, 1AD, 1CKR, W1AD (*1898, †1981) | |
USA | W1GIX | Marie Gauthier, Windsor, CN | ⚭ Herb Gauthier. Both using same call | QSL blanc | |
USA | W1KON | Alice G. Monson → Morrison (?) | ← W1MJE (?) ⚭ Raymond B. Morrison, W1KON, both using same call (QSL 39) Listed as Alice G. Monson, W1MJE, in CB 40 | Details to be confirmed | |
USA | W3GLZ | Lois Hazleon → Martin, Pennsville, NJ | *ca1906 †1939-08-17 | ⚭ Wallace Clark 'Wally' Martin, W3GLZ (*1907 †1988) | QSL 39 |
USA | W8BTS | Josephine B. Rohas → Webb | Not W8AUU as indicated in an old QST magazine. Operated from before 1930 for many years from the station of W8AUU, owned by the Klingel brothers of Buffalo, New York. Brother: W8EKM. Used his call for several years. In a 1934 callbook her call is W8BTS, listed as J. B. Rohas | CB 34, BIO | |
USA | W4GFO | Helen Pratt, Kingsport, TN →Davy | *1908, †1999-10-14 | QSL 39, BIO | |
USA | W4GFR | Lois Violet Matson, AL →McKinstry | *1915-07-11, †1985-12 | ⚭ James BonnerKcKinstry, jr,. W4HYI &'8592 K5AT Kanal Zone (*ca.1917) | |
USA | W5ETX | Donna Esther Hale → Watson, El Paso, TX → Bowington | *1902-07-16, †1951-05-29 | ⚭ William Haskel Mumpower Watson, 5DT, 5BX, 8XAY, SJ5BX, W5DCO, W5NT (*1902, †1944) Remarried Bowington | *MO, †El Paso, TX , QSL |
USA | W6LMA | Charline Jessie Armond, CA → Busch | ⚭ Busch. W6JDC. Father: W6LX (*1918, †1983) | CB 36-83 | |
USA | 6BID | Mrs. G.W. Fairbanks, Gardena , CA | |||
USA | W6EWH | Dorothey E. Miitchell, Sta Barbara, CA | * 1911 | ⚭ John E. Mitchell W6EWG *ca 1919 in Canada | |
USA | W6QPT | Dorothea M. Stoops -> Taylor | * 1907-03-12, †1940-02-02 | QST 1940 | |
USA | W6SGD | Kitty C. Aitken, Prescott AZ | * 1898, †11951-01-04 | ⚭ Douglas Aitken, W6RWW (*1893 †1946) | |
USA | W7FAZ | Mrs. Mildred W. O'connell | *1904-02-17 †1995-09-25 | → W8KWS ⚭ Earle R. O'Connell, W7EVF | |
USA | W7FXE | Lucile Allingham, OR | ⚭ William Alingham, W7KY. Daughter: W7HER | CB 37 | |
USA | W8QEF | Verna LeElla 'Skipper' Smith ⋺ Knowles ⋺ Pierce | *1910-01-23 †2000-06-11 | ⚭ (01) (1942-07-24) Richard Fayne Knowles, ⚭ (02) Pierce | |
USA | W9KSA | Harryette Gail Vanzandt → Barker | *1916-07-09 †2003-10-17 | → W6QGX; ⚭ (1945-08-20) Baron B. Barker, W9UOF, W6QGP (*1917 †2005) | |
USA | W9PXE | Mary St. Vrain MO | ← 8BRU. ⚭ Barney St. Vrain. Both use same call | QSL | |
USA | W9QBA | Elsie D. Billeaux, Sterling, ILL | *c1914, †1991-02-02 | ⚭ George M. Billeaux, W9VOQ | |
USA | W9ZUY | (Li’l Eva) Catherine Yarbrough, Wichita, KS | *1911-01-26 †1990-01-04 | → W9YYW, W0YYW and last K4IFS, born in Centralia, Washington and died in Bradenton, Florida ⚭ (05.02.1930 in Sedgwick) Virgil Lee Yarbrough, W9YYW, W0YYW, K4IEK (*1907-08-09 †1994-09-25) | QSL 39 |
USSR | UOP-6-1a | Nataly Freichko, Batumi (Georgia) | → UA1AY (1945). Mother: Nataly Freichko, UOP-6-2a | QSL 47 | |
USSR | UOP-6-2a | Nataly Freichko, Batumi (Georgia) | Daughter: Nataly Freichko, UOP-6-1a |
Jahr/Year 1940-1945
1940-1945 ?
Hawaii | K6ROJ | Eleanor "Ella" Christnsen, Kukuihaele T.H. | *1911, †1998-11-13 | ⚭ Paul O. Christensen, K6OQM (*1910, †?) | QSL 40 | |
Alaska | K7GDL | Eloda Burton → Kimm | *1906, †1990 | ⚭ (1927-03-07) Chester C. Kimm, K7FBE → W7FBE, WA | ||
Canada | VE4VO | Dorothy "Dot" Louise Fitts → Forbush | *1919-07-01 †1978-09-0 | ⚭ ^NN Forbush | Graduated from Winchester, MA, High school in 1937. Was a Corporal in the Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) and served in the District Signals Officers office in Calgary. She is on the WWII Wall of Honor in her hometown of Winchester (Brian Duddy. N2BTD) | |
USA | W1FOF | L. Eloise Cook McLean | *2007-06-19 | CB97 | ||
USA | W1GQT | Lida M. King, Holyhoke, MA | * ca.1907 †2004-10-05 | ⚭ (1929-11-05) James W. King, W1EVZ, owner of a radio server company | ||
USA | W1IUV | Bertha Wilman, Skowhegan, MN | ⚭ Herbert Wilman, both using same call | QSL 41 | ||
USA | W1KQO | Dorothea T. Bordon | *ca1908 | ⚭ Douglas H. Bordon W1BUX | ||
USA | W1LBO | Lucy Chamberlin, Malden, VA → O'Regan | *1902-04-06 †NN | ⚭ George O'Regan (not licensed) | CB40,41 | |
USA | W1MJC | Miss Jeanne A. Poli, NewHaven, CT → Keich | *1916-01-17, †2005-02-20 | ⚭ 1942-07-18 George Keich, W1LTL. Actress, radio personality, pilot. | QSL 40 | |
USA | W1MJE | Alice Morrison | Teaching code in WWII | |||
USA | W1MRC | Ethel May Cutter → Fraser, Bridgeport, CT | *1908-09-12 †1992-10-08 | ⚭ Clifford F. Fraser W1IM, 1CBT | QSL 40 first appeared CB 40 | |
USA | W1MVX | Ruth Margaret Hebb → Estey | *1905-06-15 †1974-10-28 | ⚭ (1931-03-16) Paul Chase Estey, W1MKM. Red Cross during WWII | ||
USA | W1MWI | Eleanor Blake | ||||
USA | W1MUP | Mary B. Eddy, Pleasant Valley CT | ||||
USA | W1MXH | Marion L. Kissick | *1913-01-31, †1998-01-31 | ⚭ Dr. Robert Kissick, W1MPV (*1896, †1950) | QSL 40 | |
USA | W1NHN | Norma C. Schall, Dedham, MA → Olsen | *1921, †1986 | ⚭ Harold I. Olsen, W1NUF. 1943 she was a Radioman 3rd Class U.S. Navy at Treasuer Island, CA | QSL 40 | |
USA | W1NJJ | Eunice Loyzim | *1910-10-17, †1972-07 | ⚭ Stephen Loyzim (*1910-01-08, †1974-04), W1BEQ → W1QIF. Air raid works in WWII. Both died in Coventry, Conn | ||
USA | W1NPZ | Charlotte Paine | AEC, WERS, working at MIT | |||
USA | W2LBK | Bess Olenik | ||||
USA | W2MIY | Dorothy J. Knapp, Albany, NY | QSL 40 | |||
USA | W2MJS | Emma Heckman | ||||
USA | W2MWW | Francis B. Woolfe | *1903-02-22, †1992-02-05 | ⚭ Webster Woolfe. Signal Corps, Ft. Monmouths NJ | ||
USA | W2NGO | Carolyn McKee | ||||
USA | W2OLB | Amelia Lobsenz | †1992 | Licensed 1941 | BIO | |
USA | W2UGY | Bernice Agnes Hanrahan | *1919, †1996 | ← Cygnes, → W8UGH ⚭ Leo R. Hanrahan, W2LWQ (*1918, †2010) | ← W1RUQ, ⚭ Paul S. LeVan W3MG | |
USA | W3MDJ | Marie E. Graber | *1899-04-03? | CB97 | ||
USA | W4HWS | Bessie K Cunningham, Atlanta GA | QSL 44 | |||
USA | W5GAF | Mary Walker Reynolds | Other hobbys: tennis and flying | Radio YB 40 | ||
USA | W4GUZ | Dean L. Charles | *1918, †1993 | ⚭ Eugene Charles, W4EZF (*1908, †1986 ). Father: Charles E. Lovely | ||
USA | W5GKH | Kathryn Porter | Holds a Telephone First class ticket, too | Radio YB 40 | ||
USA | W5GXT | Theresa Adna Pessoney | *1914-09-07, †2004-02-05 | *,† Palestine, TX. BIO | ||
USA | W6RGX | Genevieve Mackeeby → Capstaff | *1916 †2013 | ← W2DEZ ⚭ Albert L. Capstaff, W2CDQ | Radio News Dec40 | |
USA | W7GSR | Frances Morgan | ⚭ Morgan, W7GNY. They obtained their license together | Radio YB 40 | ||
USA | W7GUQ | Elizabeth M. Fine | *1911-03-16 | CB97 | ||
USA | W7HER | Marjory Allingham | Mother: Lucile, W7FXE. Father: William, W7KY. Obtained her license when she was 13 but could copy 10 wpm aged 5. | |||
USA | W7HXU | Mabel G. Beebe, Seattle WA | ⚭ Bob Beebe | QSL 1941 | ||
USA | W7IBH | Hazel Cook | ||||
USA | W8OZO | Lilian M. Nollenberger | *1905-03-01 †1999-08-07 | ⚭ Lawrence W. Nollenberger W8NPV | Radio YB 40 | |
USA | W8PZA | Mrs. Mildred D. Wildman, Cleveland,OH | ← W7UI ⚭ John R. Wildman, W8PWY ← W7UJ | 1940 | ||
USA | W8TPZ | Mrs. Marie R. Corcoran, Wyoming OH | ⚭ Norman W. Corcoran, Sr., not licensed | 1940 | ||
USA | W8ROP | Mrs. Ruth E. Dunlap → Raub | *1905-05-17 †1949-12-04 | → W3ROP ⚭ Louis A. Raub, W8RED → W3RED Registered Nurse | 1938 or before YL1940 | |
USA | W8RSF | Mary E. Jewett | Radio YB 40 | |||
USA | W8SBB | Mary Belle Stocking → Bamberg → Riker | *1920-04-29 †2002-121-15 | ⚭ (01) John Bamberg (1942), not licensed, ⚭ (02) J. William Riker (1972) not licensed | ||
USA | W8TLZ | Dr. Ruth Lister | *1917 †2003 | Never married | ||
USA | W8UBC | Ida Margaret 'Marge' Sovocool, Cortland, NY | *1912-03-21 †1988-06-15 | ← W2URO ⚭ Kenneth A. Sovocool, W2ZRV (†1986) | QSL 40 | |
USA | W8UGY | Bernice Agnes Hanrahan | *1919 †1996 | ← Cygnes, → W2UGH ⚭ Leo R. Hanrahan, W2LWQ (*1918, †2010) | ||
USA | W8VDN | Mrs. Helen A. Holloway, OH | ⚭ Rollind O. Holloway, W8QUL. Daughter: Mrs. Elaine F. Skeldon, W7IEP. Sons: Jack Holloway, W8RYX, Norman Holloway, W8QWR. Son-in-law: James Howard Skeldon, W7HCG | |||
USA | W8VYU | Theresa 'Terry' Marie McLaughlin → Korn | *1926-11-05 †22020-04-09 | → K7JGU ⚭ (1948-09-03) Dr. Granino A. Korn | Lois 1941, BIO, Photo | |
USA | W8WFQ | Dorothy J. Wilmer, Cleveland, OH → Laditka | *1915, †2000 | ⚭ ca. 1946 Nicholas G. Laditka, W8LVA (*1915, †1977) | ||
USA | W9BJU | Mrs. Mabel V. Kelley, Woodland, NE | Radio YB 40 | |||
USA | W9EEU | Katherine Blair | Radio YB 40 | |||
USA | W9EFW | Easther Louise Frankie → Davis, Fort Wayne, IN | *1903-11-14 †1990-12-18 | ⚭ (1925-01-31) James Paul Davis Sr. W9GOX (†1959) | QSL 41 | |
USA | W9IKS | Edna G. Newman → Cummings, Wilmette, IL | CB 41 | |||
USA | W9GOJ | Alice May Leffler → Stewart, St. Louis, MO | QSL 40 | |||
USA | W9JHO | Mildred F. Brickey, Armington, IL | ⚭ William D. "Don" Brickey, W9AMP | |||
USA | W9JTX | Louise Beringer | ||||
USA | W9HIG | Doris Geraldine ("jerry", "Geri") Burgett, Flaxton ND | ⚭ Robert L. Albert (1944-05-25) not licensed, licensed when shhe was 13 yeaars old | |||
USA | W9KEX | Mrs. Helen S. Hahn, FL | *1905-10-07 | (Radio News 01/40 | ||
USA | W9PCV | Mrs. Henrietta W. Moore | Obtained her ticket while working at the Chicago World Fair Station W9USA | Radio YB 40 | ||
USA | W9RTH | Adah Mildred Barrett, Indianapolis → Elliott | *1906-04-25, †2005-12-10 | #&9901 Richard R. Elliott, W9YCU (*1907, †1955) Employed by Indiana Telephone Corp. for 27 years | QSL 41 | |
USA | W9TLJ | Elvera H. Holton → Dressler | *1911-07-17 †1998-05-04 | ⚭ (1933) LeRoy William Dressler, W9MCS | CB 38, 97 | |
USA | W9UBM | Lela Mae Walker → Rockefeller | ⚭ Wallace V. Rockefeller, W9TIP. They met through amateur radio | Radio YB 40 | ||
USA | W9ZQZ | Miss Olivia T. Rolli, Anselmo, NE | *1910-10-15, †1998-12-05 | Owns a cattle ranch in Nebraska. School teacher. Never married | Radio YB 40 |