Documentary Archive Radio Communications

International Foundation QSL Collection

The Research and Documentation Center for the History of Radio Communications and the Electronic Media (our full name) is the world's biggest organization to collect, save, research and present whatever relates to the history of radio communications, particularly amateur radio and broadcasting.

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Guided Tour

EingangzoomOur achives are located in the fourth Vienna district, just a few steps from U4 and U1 metro stations. Here we are, in a house with a yellow front, not very inviting, we admit, and in the backyard. But once you enter you will find yourself in a different world. - Come in and be welcome!

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The "Kuratorium"

"International Curatorium / QSL Collection" is an incorporated non-profit institution based in Vienna according to Austrian law. The board of Curators steers, oversees and decides on all activities and projects, and it seeks and secures the financial resources needed.

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QSL Collection - Dokumentationsarchiv Funk

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