Research Files
This section is being relaunched. Please check out the various pages. If they are not yet relaunched in English you will be linked to the previous or German version
Amateur Radio in Austria
From the pioneer days until today
We present, preliminary, a number of unrelated papers highlighting some important events in the history of Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband, ÖVSV. A comprehensive study of amateur radio in Austria wil follow.
Amateur Radio in Germany
A very detailed description of the history of Deutscher Amateur-Senderdienst, DASD, and the post-war Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, DARC. Abriged versions were first published in: Funk-Telegramm:
ext. Link
The monthly series is being continued in the magazin, and updated on our website. Please refer to the German version; regretfully there will be no English translation.
Amateur Radio in Hungary
A EU-Project
This project was organized by Dokumentationsarchiv Funk (Documentary Archives Radio Communications) between April 2004 and March 2005 within the INTERREG IIIA Programme of the European Union to promote interregional communication. (Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 27, EU-Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung) and consisted of a cooperation between radio amateurs and radio enthusiasts in Vienna and the Hungarian Comitat Györ-Moson-Sopron. We installed a permanent and reliable radio relay link between Vienna, Sporon and Györ. It helped us in researching the history of amateur radio and broadcasting in Hungary. - There will be no English translation of the report in German and Hungarian. Please refer to the German section.
Amateur Radio in the Soviet Union
Rise and Development of experimental radio
A study by Georgi Ulijanz, UY5XE, German translation: Anja Stadelmann and Dr. Matthias Zwoch. - There will be no English translation. Please refer to the German section.
And a document from ext. Link F.Gayle Durham - Amateur Radio Operation in the Soviet Union
Amateur Radio in Greece
The dawn of Amateur Radio in the U.K. and Greece by Norman F. Joly was pubished, in 1990, by Ability Printing, Harrow, U.K. (ISBN 0 9515628 0 0). We publish the chapters relating to the history of Amateur radio in Greece, with the author's kind permission from his personal copy which contains some corrections and amendmends to the printed version.